Re-activate Gate Agent

The Reactivate Gate Agent will automatically re-activate past gates when the Pre-Advance Conditions of those gates are no longer satisfied. It will search for Gated Projects of specific templates (defined by the parameters) and re-activate their past gates if any of those gates contain Pre-Advance Conditions that are not met anymore.

Note: If the Gated Project has more than one past gate with unsatisfied Conditions, the earliest gate will be re-activated.

Example: This Gated Project is currently on the "Execute" gate. When the previous "Scope & Accept" gate is selected, we can see that all of the Pre-Advance Conditions have been met.

However, imagine the Resource that is assigned to the "Finance" Role is removed from the Project without a replacement. This causes the "Role is staffed : Finance" Condition to be unsatisfied.

If the template used to create this Gated Project is identified in the agent's parameters, the "Scope & Accept" gate will automatically be re-activated once the agent runs again.


To configure and enable the Re-activate Gate Agent:

Before You Start: Only PowerSteering administrators can work with agents. If you are not an administrator, reach out to one if you are interested in this agent.

  1. Select Admin Configuration Agents from the Navigation Menu.

  2. Select the Re-activate Gate Agent from the list of agents.

  3. (Optional) Review any of the agent's details and / or run logs.

    Tip: From here, you can also select the Run Agent button to run the agent manually.

  4. Select the Edit button:

  5. Edit the agent's details.

    • Title: Rename the agent task.

    • Is Active: Determine whether the task is currently running or not.

    • Interval: Determine how often the task will run in minutes. For example, entering "1440" will cause the task to search for work to start every 1440 minutes (24 hours).

    • Oldest Log Age: Determine how long log entries will be retained.

      Tip: Log entries can be seen on the main agent page (during Step 3).

    • Next Run Time: Displays the next time the task will run. Enter in a custom time if you would like to change it.

      Note: Be sure to follow the same format (mm/dd/yyy 00:00 AM/PM).

    • Expiration Date: Enter in a date for the task to discontinue.

      Note: Be sure to follow the same format as other dates (mm/dd/yyy 00:00 AM/PM).

    • Completed projects in the last days: Gated Projects that have been completed for longer than the specified number of days will be ignored by the agent.

      Note: The default value is 180 days.

    • Gated Project Templates: Use the drop-down menu to select which Gated Project Templates the agent will search for while determining which gates to re-activate.

      Tip: A work item's template can be identified by navigating to the work's Summary page and scrolling your cursor over the icon next to the title in the blue banner.

  6. Select the Save button.

After selecting Save, your changes to the Re-activate Gate Agent will be finalized. They can be edited again at any time.