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Using the Tenrox Application at the Standard User Level

The responsibilities of standard users include completing and submitting their timesheets, creating and submitting expenses, purchase orders and requisitions, as well as use the work processes.

For information on typical functions performed by administrators, managers and user roles, see Defining the Workplace Roles.

The standard users access the Tenrox modules to perform the following functions:

  • Entering and editing time entries in the timesheet views; for more information, see Using the Timesheets
  • Create expense reports; for more information, see Using the Expense Reports
  • Create purchase orders and requisitions; for more information, see Using the Purchase Orders and Requisitions
  • Create and use the work process entries; for more information, see Using the Work Processes

Note: This article was authored in the former format, which includes functionality dating back to version 2013 R1 and earlier. The content will be converted to the current platform article format.

Note: The extent of functionality accessible to standard users depends on licensing, rights assigned to their security profiles and application setup.