Create a new user profile
- Click
the Icon Bar.
- Select Users from the User Management drop-down menu. The User Management page displays.
- Click New.
- Complete the fields on the User Info tab as follows:
- Username: Type a user name for the profile. This field is required.
- Email: Type the user's email address. This field is required.
- First Name: Type the user's first name. This field is required.
- Last Name: Type the user's last name. This field is required.
- In the Profile Picture section, click Choose File, browse to and select the picture file, and then click Open.
- Select Yes or No for the following options:
- Is username active to indicate that the user is active.
- Is username locked to lock the user out of UA.
- Force Password Change to force the user to change their password when they first login to ComSci.
- In the Roles list, select the role for the user.
- Click the Send Notification Email checkbox to send the user an email notifying them that they have been setup as a user in ComSci.
- Click the Autogenerate Password checkbox to generate a password for the user.
- In the Password field, type a password for the user if the Autogenerate Password checkbox is not selected.
- Click the Contact Info tab and complete the fields for the user's contact information.
- Click the User Preferences tab and complete the fields as follows:
- Homepage: Select the user's home page from the drop-down menu.
- Lines per report: Select the user's default number of pages of records to display on UA pages from the drop-down menu.
- Default Date Format: Select one of the following for the user's default date format from the drop-down menu:
- Month / Day / Year
- Day / Month / Year
- Year / Month / Day
- Default Time Format: Select one of the following for the user's default time format from the drop-down menu:
- 24 hour
- 24 hour with seconds
- 12 hour
- 12 hour with seconds
- Default week format: Select one of the following for the user's default week format from the drop-down menu:
- Week of Jan 1 2020
- Week of Jan 1
- 2020 W01
- Click the Module Permissions and complete the permission fields.
- Click one of the following:
- Save to save the new user profile.
- Save & Add New to save the new user profile and create a new one.
Note: To create a new role, see Add a role to the ACL.
Note: When this checkbox is blank, you must type a password in the Password field.