Create a new user profile

  1. Click the Icon Bar.
  2. Select Users from the User Management drop-down menu. The User Management page displays.
  3. Click New.
  4. Complete the fields on the User Info tab as follows:
    • Username: Type a user name for the profile. This field is required.
    • Email: Type the user's email address. This field is required.
    • First Name: Type the user's first name. This field is required.
    • Last Name: Type the user's last name. This field is required.
  5. In the Profile Picture section, click Choose File, browse to and select the picture file, and then click Open.
  6. Select Yes or No for the following options:
    • Is username active to indicate that the user is active.
    • Is username locked to lock the user out of UA.
    • Force Password Change to force the user to change their password when they first login to ComSci.
  7. In the Roles list, select the role for the user.
  8. Note: To create a new role, see Add a role to the ACL.

  9. Click the Send Notification Email checkbox to send the user an email notifying them that they have been setup as a user in ComSci.
  10. Click the Autogenerate Password checkbox to generate a password for the user.
  11. Note: When this checkbox is blank, you must type a password in the Password field.

  12. In the Password field, type a password for the user if the Autogenerate Password checkbox is not selected.
  13. Click the Contact Info tab and complete the fields for the user's contact information.
  14. Click the User Preferences tab and complete the fields as follows:
    • Homepage: Select the user's home page from the drop-down menu.
    • Lines per report: Select the user's default number of pages of records to display on UA pages from the drop-down menu.
    • Default Date Format: Select one of the following for the user's default date format from the drop-down menu:
      • Month / Day / Year
      • Day / Month / Year
      • Year / Month / Day
    • Default Time Format: Select one of the following for the user's default time format from the drop-down menu:
      • 24 hour
      • 24 hour with seconds
      • 12 hour
      • 12 hour with seconds
    • Default week format: Select one of the following for the user's default week format from the drop-down menu:
      • Week of Jan 1 2020
      • Week of Jan 1
      • 2020 W01
  15. Click the Module Permissions and complete the permission fields.
  16. Click one of the following:
    • Save to save the new user profile.
    • Save & Add New to save the new user profile and create a new one.