Cover Page Data Source

The following table lists the source of cover page data.

Connector Type

Cover Page Data Source


Cover page information for senders and recipients comes from the control file placed in the Filescan folder. Filescan has keywords that are used for standard information, such as the recipient's name and fax number and the sender's name and email address.

Regular cover page variables can also be placed in the control file for any additional information that should appear on the cover page. If regular cover page variables are used, they must be present on the cover page template specified in the control file. Otherwise, the information will not appear on the cover page.


Sender information comes from the user's Notes Person record. Recipient information comes from the recipient's entry in a Name and Address Book.

If the message is submitted as a one-off message (using the standard Memo form), the recipient information comes from the fax address format, and can include the recipient's name, fax number, and company name.


Sender information comes from the user's record on the Exchange Server and can include any of the information for which a sender variable is supplied in the cover page template.

If the standard Outlook New Message form is used, the recipient information comes from the fax-formatted address, and can only include the recipient's name, fax number, and company name.


Sender and recipient information comes from the control file sent as an attachment with the message. There is a set of keywords that can be used in the SMTP control file, but regular SENDER cover page variables can also be used.

See also

About Cover Pages

Cover Page Applications

About Cover Page Templates

Creating Cover Page Template

Displaying Message Body

Using Cover Page Template Variables Guidelines

Template Variables List