About AccuRoute Desktop and iManage WorkWeb Integration

Administrators can configure AccuRoute Desktop for iManage WorkWeb integration which enables Document Management System (DMS) users to profile documents for use on iManage WorkSite servers.

Note: The AccuRoute Server must also be configured for iManage WorkWeb Integration.

Profiling a document to a DMS

Every document has a profile, or a set of metadata associated with the document for easy identification and searching capabilities. After configuration, DMS users can use AccuRoute Desktop to create document placeholders or records on iManage WorkSite servers so that scanned documents are routed to their appropriate records.

Before you begin

Ensure the iManage WorkSite server and WorkWeb user interface are installed and functioning properly before installing and/or configuring the AccuRoute Server and AccuRoute Desktop Client.

Administrators must complete the following tasks to configure the AccuRoute Server and AccuRoute Desktop Client for iManage WorkWeb integration.

See also

Configuring the AccuRoute Server and AccuRoute Desktop Client

Using AccuRoute Desktop to Profile Documents to iManage WorkWeb