Creating Cover Page Template

You can create a cover page template by using Microsoft Word, WordPad or an HTMl editor.

To create a cover page template

  1. Create a new document in one of the following applications.

    • Microsoft Word (to create a .doc file)

    • WordPad (to create a .rtf or .omptl file)

    • HTML editor (for html file)

Note: Important! If you modify an existing .omptl or .trf cover page template file, use Microsoft WordPad. Do not use Microsoft Word. If you open the files using Word, the server will not be able to use them, even if they are later reopened in WordPad.

  1. Design the layout of the template by adding the static information you want to appear on the cover pages.
    This information can include the name of your company, your company logo, and the lead-in headers for some of the variable information (for example: To:, From:, and Subject:).

  2. Place the appropriate variables in the template where you want that information to show up on the cover page.
    When adding variables to the cover page, make sure that you enclose the variable in percent signs (%) and that all letters are typed in uppercase. For example: %DATE_SUBMITTED%

  3. Add any images you want to be part of the cover page, if the application you are using supports images.
    The recommended image format is bitmap (*.bmp), even if you are creating an HTML cover page. If you are creating an HTML cover page, include the full path to the image in the HTML code. For example, <IMG SRC="c:\images\logos\companylogo.bmp">.

  4. After you have finished making modifications, save the file. The file name of the template should not contain any spaces.

  5. If you use the .omptl format, you must manually add the .omtpl extension to the template.

  6. Use Windows Explorer to verify that the file was saved with the proper file extension. This is recommended as files with .txt or with .doc extensions are unusable.

See also

About Cover Pages

Cover Page Applications

Cover Page Data Source

About Cover Page Templates

Displaying Message Body

Using Cover Page Template Variables Guidelines

Template Variables List