Modifying Registered User FaxCenter Properties

You can modify FaxCenter properties for registered users by using the Server Administrator > Registered Users node.

To modify the FaxCenter properties for registered users

  1. Start the Server Administrator.
    On the Start menu, click Upland AccuRoute > Upland AccuRoute Server Administrator.

  2. On the console, expand the Server Administrator tree.

  3. Click Registered Users. The users are listed in the details pane.  

  4. Double-click the user name whose properties you want to  modify. The Properties page opens.

  5. Click FaxCenter option.

  6. Select the check box beside Enable this user as a FaxCenter user to allow the user to use FaxCenter.

  7. In the Password and Confirm Password text boxes, enter the password for the FaxCenter user. If you do not want to assign a password to the user, leave the text boxes empty.

  8. In Automatically unlock fax after spin box, enter the time in minutes FaxCenter should wait when processing a fax before unlocking it.

Note: When a FaxCenter user selects a fax in the FaxCenter application, the system locks the fax preventing other FaxCenter users from accessing the fax. (This prevents multiple FaxCenter users from processing the same fax.)

  1. In the E-mail Address Filtertext box, create an email address filter limiting users whose email addresses are listed in the FaxCenter Routing page.  

Note: The filter does not prevent the FaxCenter user from routing faxes to any recipients or other destinations.

  1. To create a filter, do one of the following:

    • To create an e-mail address filter, use the following string:
      email=[e-mail address of the user account to which this FaxCenter user can route faxes]

      For example:

    • To create a site filter, use the following string:
      site=[name of the Exchange 5.5 site in which this FaxCenter user can route faxes]

      For example: site=Finance

    • To create a name filter, use the following string:
      name=[alias of the user account to which this FaxCenter user can route faxes]

      For example: name=jsmith

Note: The values you use in filters are not case-sensitive.

Tip: You can use an asterisk to indicate a wildcard. For example, if email=*, then the FaxCenter user can route faxes to any email account at the domain you specified—in this case, “company” is the domain you specified.

  1. In the Allow User to section, check the boxes beside the following options. The options you select are enabled for the user.

    • Delete Faxes - Allows the user to delete faxes from the Processed Items list in FaxCenter.

    • Move to Processed - Allows the user to move faxes from the New Items list into the Processed Items list.

    • Combine Faxes - Allows the user to combine multiple faxes and route them as one combined fax.

    • View Entire Fax - Allows the user to view the entire fax. If this option is not enabled, the FaxCenter user can view only the first page of each fax.

    • Enter Originator Information when Routing - Allows the user to complete the Routing Transaction Description section of the Route Selected Item page when routing a fax. This configuration setting has two additional options that you can enable:

    • User may leave From empty - Allows the FaxCenter user to leave the From field under Routing Transaction Description empty, or clear it if you want to require the user to provide the From information.

    • User may leave Company empty - Allows the FaxCenter user to leave the Company field under Routing Transaction Description empty, or clear it if you want to require the user to provide the Company information.

    • Enable or Disable After Hours Processing - Allows the  user to set After Hours for all FaxCenter users associated with the AccuRoute Server.

    • Release Registration Pending (HIPAA) - Allows the user to release faxes being held in Recipient Registration Pending.

    Note: Important! When someone sends a fax with secure delivery to an unregistered recipient, the recipient must return the fax in order to complete the registration process. The fax contains an Embedded Directive ID. On occasion, the Embedded Directive Manager component cannot detect the ID—usually because the ID has been distorted or marked—and the fax goes to a FaxCenter user. If you give the FaxCenter user the permission to release faxes, he can release the fax corresponding to the registration. Since releasing a fax can have legal ramifications in some industries, the person authorised with releasing a fax must fully understands the process of secure delivery.

    • View all Faxes in FaxCenter - Allows the user to view all faxes on the AccuRoute Server that currently reside in the FaxCenter Routing state, even those faxes that have not been routed directly to him for processing. The user can also view faxes in all queues, including New Items, Processed Items, Found Items, and Registration Pending.

  2. Select Route faxes as to allow the AccuRoute Server to send the routing recipient a notification message that includes a name and email address for the FaxCenter user. If you select this option, enter the following information.

    • Name - In the Name text box, enter the name that should be listed in the From field of all faxes routed by the user from FaxCenter. For example, the name can be the name of the user or another name, such as  "John Smith, fax router" or "John Smith".

    • E-mail - In the E-mail text box, enter the email that should be listed for the FaxCenter user.
      The e-mail address can be user's email address or the email of another person who must receive all notifications and replies to the forwarded fax.

Note: This note pertains only to Notes environments with a Notes connector.
If FaxCenter notifications will be sent to users through the Notes connector, the value in the Name field will be ignored. Only the value in the E-mail field can be used to identify the sender of the notification message.
Therefore if you populate the E-mail field with an e-mail address, the sender of the notification message (as it appears in the Notes client) will be identified with the e-mail address you specify. However, if you want to identify the sender of the notification message with a user name, populate the E-mail field with a Notes-formatted e-mail address. For example: cn=John Smith/o=company

  1. Click Select Columns to View to open the Client Columns Configuration page.

  2. Add. remove or rearrange columns or modify column properties in the New Items, Processed Items, Found Items and Registration Pending pages. Click Ok to close the  Client Columns Configuration page.

  3. Click OK to save your changes.

See also

Registering a New User

Modifying Registered User General Properties

Modifying Registered User Properties

Modifying Registered User Approval Properties