About Cover Pages
Cover pages for outbound messages are created from cover page templates. Using these templates, you can create a set of standard cover pages for your messaging environment.
To display information on a cover page that is specific to the sender, message, fax, or recipient, use a variable when modifying the cover page template. When the
Note: Cover pages will only display a sender's information when
Types of cover page templates
You can create different types of cover pages to customize how much and what kind of information appears on the cover pages. There are three types of cover pages used in fax messaging:
Cover page with recipient information displayed - This type of cover page displays information about the recipient only—not information about other recipients. This information is dynamic, meaning that the information displayed on the fax is different because the information is personalized for each recipient. For example, when John Smith receives the fax, the cover page will display information pertaining to John Smith; when Mary Jones receives the fax, the cover page will display information pertaining to Mary Jones.
All variables that start %RECIP_ display information personalized to each recipient.
Cover page with distribution list information displayed - This type of cover page displays the same information to all recipients of the fax. You should use this type of cover page to send a message to multiple recipients or to a distribution list. For example, if you are sending a fax message to John Smith and Mary Jones, the cover page will display information about both John Smith and Mary Jones. The same information appears to both recipients of the message.
The %TO_LIST% and %CC_LIST% variables and all variables that end with .[x] display distribution list information.
Cover page with recipient and distribution list information displayed - This type of cover page displays information that is personalized to the recipient, as well as information about all recipients of the message. For example, you might set up the cover page so part of the cover page displays information pertaining to the recipient, while another part of the cover page displays information pertaining to all recipients of the message.
To create cover pages that meet the needs of your company, you can use any combination of cover page variables.