Displaying Message Body on Cover Pages
When you design a cover page template, you can place the email message body on the cover page. This capability exists for all supported email clients and SMTP.
To place the email message body on the cover page
Open the cover page template.
Insert the %EMAIL_BODY% variable on the cover page template where the message body should appear.
Save the template file.
When the server creates the cover page for a fax message, it replaces the %EMAIL_BODY% variable with the messages entered by the user in the email message body. If there is more text in the email body than there is space for in the template, the server adds pages to the message to accommodate the rest of the text.
Make cover page templates available to users by placing them in the templates folder on the server.
...\Upland AccuRoute\AccuRoute\Languages\ENU\Coverpages
If you are using Microsoft Exchange with AccuRoute you must add the templates to the profiles of the users who need to use them. If you aren't using profiles, or if you are using AccuRoute with SMTP mail, make sure that the users have the names of the templates so they can add them to their local profiles or SMTP cover page control files.