Program Builder Interface

This quick guide will give you an overview of the Automation Program Builder (APB) interface, with links to relevant sections in the full documentation. Or, if you'd like to get immediately stuck in, will aid you with terminology when running through one of our tutorials.

On this page:

Program Editor Tab

General Information: includes the owner, description (if provided), when it was last published and if it is currently active.
APB Tabs: Tabs for Program Editor, Contacts, Inputs and Settings.
Status Notification: States whether a program is paused or active.
Canvas Header: The available actions to perform on the program or canvas. Version drop down, save and publish buttons, and view option buttons.
Stage Palette: The list of available stages to use with your program. Drag and drop onto the canvas to use.
Program Canvas: Area to visualise and build your automation program.

Moving Nodes

Connecting to Nodes: Nodes are visible when dragging a stage, by dropping them on a node the stages will connect.

Selecting/Editing Stages

Editor Pane: When a stage is selected, this slides across onto the canvas. Stages can be configured or deleted here.
Select Button: Available when needed to provide data or a set value. Configuration steps vary depending on stage type.
Contact Progress: Number of contacts active on the stage and those who have passed through.

Contacts Tab

The 'Contacts' tab will detail all the contacts currently in your Program, their current stage and when they completed the Program.

You can also individually manage your contacts within the program.

Inputs Tab

The 'Inputs' tab will detail the lists, forms and programs associated with the Program. 'Associated Programs' will only show if there is another one associated (forms and lists will show regardless).

Note: To disassociate a list, form or program, you must go to the input source itself. You cannot disassociate through the Program you are viewing.

Settings Tab

In the Settings tab, you can change the name and description of your Program, as well as whether you will allow a contact to be added again should they have completed it before.

If a contact is active (in that they are currently progressing through the program) when an import with their details is added to the Program, no action will be taken on that contact.

In the Workspace tab, you can view the current workspace to which the program is attached.

To move the program to a new workspace, click Select Workspace, and select the next workspace.

Following are some of the points to consider while moving a program:

  • The program must be in draft mode and not published in the existing workspace.

  • The next workspace to which the program is to be moved, must share the same Core table.

  • After moving a program, some of the program editor nodes that are specific to the old workspace might return errors. You must make these broken nodes accessible from the new workspace.

Next Steps

Now you know your way around the interface, you could find out more about stage types, how to manage your contacts or you could go straight into our welcome program tutorial.