Viewing and Editing Filters

You can use filters within Adestra to select groups of contacts for inclusion in a campaign based on their behaviour or status.

Contacts can also be filtered whenever you are using the data viewer, e.g. to segment your data directly from your core table by creating a new list using filtered contacts and then launching to this list.

Another way of using filters is with the recurring campaigns feature, which can be used to automate regular campaign launches to particular lists.

Viewing filters

  1. From the data menu in the navigation bar, select filters to open the filter list.

    Tip: use the search bar to filter your filters, e.g. search for all filters associated with a specific core table.

    Note: dedicated filters are not displayed in the filter list as they only exist within the campaign in which they were created and must be viewed, edited, or deleted from within that campaign.

  2. Hover over a column header to show sorting arrows.

  3. Select an arrow to sort the filters based on that column value.

  4. Select the arrow again to reverse the sorting order.

  5. Select a filter from the list to open the filter on the filter overview tab.

    The filter overview contains information about the filter and the filter editor interface, where you can edit the filter.

    Tip: from the overview tab, you can view your filtered core table data using the browse table with filter button.

Associated campaigns and dynamic Lists

If a filter is associated with any campaigns or dynamic lists, the associated campaigns and associated dynamic lists links will be available for you to view a list of items that the filter is currently in use with.

Edit a filter

When you view a filter, you will see two tabs: overview and settings.

From the overview tab you can:

  1. Edit the rules within your filter.

    • Select the rule you wish to edit.

    • Edit the criteria within the rule properties.

      Note: you cannot change the rule type, e.g. change the rule from a field text match to an event match.

  2. Add rules to your filter.

From the settings tab you can:

  • Change the name of your filter. This is how the filter will be referred to elsewhere in the system so it should be distinctive.

  • Enter a description (optional) to record additional information about the filter.

  • Add any tags you want associated with the filter.

  • Change the owner user by pressing the select user button and choosing from the list of users.

Copy a filter

To make a copy of a filter:

  1. Open the filter you wish to copy.

  2. Press the copy filter button.

  3. Give the copied filter a unique name.

  4. Press the accept button.

    The filter will appear in your table where you can view and edit the filter details.

Delete a filter

You can only delete filters if:

  • You are an admin user or have admin permissions on the workspace.

  • The filter is not currently associated with a dynamic list or campaign.

To delete a filter:

  1. Open the filter you wish to delete.

  2. If required, disassociate the filter from linked campaigns and dynamic lists.

    • Select the view associated campaigns/lists button.

    • Confirm you are happy to remove the filter from the linked campaigns/lists.

    • Select the disassociate filter button.

    • In the confirmation pop-up, press the yes button.

  3. Press the delete filter button.

  4. In the confirmation pop-up, press the yes button.