Creating Persona Groups
Each persona group is assigned to a core table, allowing you to easily keep track of which personas relate to which group of recipients or identify which tables need personas.
To create a persona, you must first create a persona group.
Open the Personas page.
Press the Create Persona Group button.
Enter a name for the persona group and press the Next button.
Select a core table and press the Okay button.
Your persona group will include an 'unassigned' persona and a chart showing persona data.
As you create personas, these will be added to the persona chart with the number of contacts within each persona.
Adestra's algorithm will use recipient engagement data from your campaigns to assign recipients to a persona.
If you prefer to manually assign recipients to a persona, you can do so from the data viewer.
Once assigned to a persona, the persona variant campaign will allow you to tailor the content recipients receive based upon their persona.