How to Use and Manage Taxonomies

Important: If you intend to use AutoClassifier with SharePoint Online or On-Premise Adapters and you want to use Term Store synchronization, it is important not to manually alter/create/change Taxonomies before you run MMS Synchronization from the SharePoint Add-ins.
For details, see Add-In Configuration page

Access and Use Taxonomies

  1. Manage Taxonomies: Click the Manage Taxonomies entry on the left navigation to see the Manage Taxonomies page:

  2. Taxonomies List: See all of the taxonomies that currently exist in AutoClassifier.
  3. Use the operations on this page to create new taxonomies, upload taxonomies, rename, enable/disable taxonomies, and so on.

    Tip: If you are using SharePoint, go to the Taxonomy operations and SharePoint section of this page.

  4. Click the name of one of your taxonomies, such as _x22_GeneralBusiness_SKOS in the example above, to access the test bench where you can access and edit your taxonomy.

How to Create a New Taxonomy

Create a New Taxonomy

  1. From the Manage Taxonomies page (shown above):
    1. Enter the name of your new taxonomy
    2. Click the Create button to create the taxonomy.
  2. The Taxonomy appears in the "Taxonomies List" shown on the bottom of the page.
  3. Click the Refresh icon above the Taxonomies List table if you do not see your new taxonomy listed in the table.

How to Upload Your Taxonomies

Upload/Download Operations and File Types

You can upload a taxonomy using an .xml or a .csv file.

If you try to use another file type, the upload operation fails.

  • XML:
    You can:
    • Download a taxonomy from the taxonomies page in .xml format only, and re-upload this .xml with a new name.
    • Read the information about the CSV file specifications in Excel or choose another format:

      See the Excel example.
    • You can also view, edit, and save this file using WordPad, Notepad, and similar programs.
    • Create an XML file in Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) format
  • CSV: Create in SharePoint, only:

  • Upload a CSV file into your SharePoint Term Store
  • You can also add synonyms to your .csv file.

  • To add synonyms, append columns such as Synonym 1, Synonym 2, and Synonym 3 as the last columns in the file.

    • For example: ,,,True,"Entity defined by people, not visible to the naked eye","Continent","Political Entity",,,,,,"Pretend this is a synonym for Political Entity"

  • Save your .csv file to a folder on your machine.

Download/Create an XML file in SKOS Format

  1. Download/Create a taxonomy in .xml file format that is similar to the downloaded example shown below:

  2. Save this file, in SKOS format, with an .xml extension.

Upload a CSV File into Your SharePoint Term Store

The Managed Metadata Service (MMS) lets you import or export Comma Separated Value (.csv) files that contain metadata.

  • The CSV file is imported into the Term Store.

  • The Taxonomy Manager automatically creates term rules based on the term names used in the file.

  • AutoClassifier supports an extended version of the CSV import file format.

  • This format includes a column that contains synonyms.

Note: If you do not use the SharePoint-specified CSV file format, your import or export operation might fail.

To import a CSV file into the SharePoint Term Store, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your site collection:

  2. Click the sprocket icon and select Site Settings.
  3. On the Site Settings page that appears, go to Term store management > Term Store Management:

  4. Right-click on a node such as AutoClassifier and select Import Term Set from the sub-menu that appears.
    1. Import your CSV file.

Taxonomy Operations and SharePoint

Each of the taxonomies listed below the Taxonomies List on the Manage Taxonomies page are located in a SharePoint Term Store.

For this reason, each entry corresponds to a term set in the SharePoint Managed Metadata Service (MMS).

  • Change a taxonomy name:
    • When you change the name of a taxonomy, the name of the corresponding term set in SharePoint also changes.
      1. Rename the selected taxonomy.
        1. For example, type GeneralBusiness_SKOS
      2. Expand the AutoClassifier node to see the name change for the taxonomy.
  • Delete a taxonomy:
    • When you delete a taxonomy, this taxonomy is also removed from the Term Store Management Tool page.
  • Enable a taxonomy:

    • Enabled taxonomies are used by the auto-tagging engine to tag documents.

    • If a taxonomy is disabled, you can use the taxonomy in ways that are similar to an ordinary SharePoint term set.

    • You can also test a disabled taxonomy and see accurate test results in the test bench.

    • However, the term set is not included in the auto-tagging operation for documents.

Note: By default, all the taxonomies loaded when you installed AutoClassifier (and create taxonomies), are enabled.