About the ServiceNow Connector
ServiceNow’s Service Management application replaces email and spreadsheets with collaborative workspaces and automated business services.
The BA Insight ServiceNow connector enables you to index the following items from ServiceNow:
- Knowledge base articles
- Incidents
- Service catalog items
- Request items
- Announcements
The ServiceNow connector allows you to leverage the following features to index your content source Content Sources do the following: Receive data from the Source System via the Connection, Filter the data it receives, Provide the results to the Target, Define the specific search index that contains the content you wish to index (and later search).:
- Searchable content types
- Knowledge Bases
- Service Catalogs
- Incidents
- Request items
- Announcements
- Content update
- Attachment retrieval
- Knowledge articles
- Announcements
Item-level security
Category filtering
Include or exclude Catalogs, Knowledge Base, Incidents items from your content source index.
Knowledge Block Support
- Knowledge blocks are not indexed as stand-alone articles
- Articles containing knowledge blocks have HASKBBLOCKS metadata Provides context with details such as the source, type, owner, and relationships to other data sets. Metadata provides details around the item being crawled by Connectivity Hub. set to "true"
- For articles containing knowledge blocks, META_DESCRIPTION is composed of knowledge blocks + article content.
- The connector respects only article security
The ServiceNow connector currently does not support the following:
On the ServiceNow connector version and later, metadata that is generated by datastores is not returned in Power Tools.
- Knowledge base security does not support "Can Contribute" overriding "Cannot Read" user criteria. If a user belongs to both "Can Contribute" and "Cannot Read" user criteria, the user will be denied access.
- ServiceNow Administrators are currently not included in the logic to identify security on item crawls. If you want your ServiceNow administrators to have the ability to search any ServiceNow content, you must add them via ACL scripting in Connectivity Hub.
- The ServiceNow connector does not support ACL Security. ACL security can be added via ACL Scripting. For example, Users of "itil" will have access to the content that the "itil" role will not be available to be retrieved from the Rest API. To add the "itil" role, you would use the following script:Copy
If (HOST.GetStringValue("SPW_DATASTORENAME") = "Incidents") ThenHost.AddGroup("r_282bf1fac6112285017366cb5f867469",true)
End IfYou must use the role or group Source ID from the Connection Security Map.
- The sys_audit_delete table is used for retrieving deletes.