Manage Organization Details

Administrators can use the Organization Details page to configure specific details about their Eclipse PPM environment.

To edit the Organization Details:

Before You Start: Eclipse PPM users require the "Organization Administration" permission from an Application Policy to manage the Organization Details.

  1. Select Administration from the Navigation Menu:

  2. Select Details from the "Organization" menu:

  3. Use the "Fiscal Year Start" drop-down menu to select which month will mark the beginning of your organization's fiscal year:

  4. Enter a name for your Eclipse PPM environment in the "Environment Name" field:

  5. Use the "Time Entry Variance Indicator Settings" spectrum to determine how "Actual Time" values on the Timesheet and the Resource Management sheet will be colored based on their deviation from the "Allocated Time" values:

    Note: "Actual" cells will be colored in either green, yellow, or red based on how far the "Actual" value is from the "Allocated" value:

    This variance is determined by the "Variance" value, which is calculated by using the following equation: Variance = (Actual ÷ Allocated) x 100. For example, the top row in the image above would be calculated like this: (55 ÷ 40) x 100 = 137.5. As we can see, the yellow portion of the "Time Entry Variance Indicator Settings" spectrum has been set between 100-150, so the "Actual" cell is displayed in yellow.

  6. Use the "Availability Heat Map Settings" spectrum to determine how availability cells on the Resource Management page and the Resource Planner will be colored based on the Resource's availability:

    Note: "Availability" cells will be colored in either green, yellow, or red based on how allocated they are:

    Instead of being based on the actual "Availability" value, the color is based on a percentage calculated using the following equation: Availability = [(Maximum Availability for the Period - Assigned Time for the Period) ÷ Maximum Availability for the Period] x 100. In the example above, Jack has a maximum of 50 hours per week. On the week of June 4th, he has been assigned for 24 hours. So the equation will look like this: [(50 - 24) ÷ 50)] x 100 = 52. As we can see, the yellow portion of the "Availability Heat Map Settings" spectrum has been set between 26-74, so the cell is colored yellow.

  7. Determine whether custom avatars should be allowed in your Eclipse PPM environment:

    Note: If the checkmark is deselected, all custom avatars will be removed from user profiles. Also, users will not see the option to change their avatar from their Preferences menu nor will avatars be applicable through bulk actions.

  8. Select the Upload File button under "Custom Branding" to add a new logo to your Eclipse PPM environment:

    Note: The logo will be displayed in the banner at the top of Eclipse PPM:

  9. Select the Save button:

After selecting Save, your organization details will be saved to Eclipse PPM.