Main Options - Plug-ins / Stamps Tab


System Administrators can add image stamps that can be used by all FileBound users while annotating documents. You can manage stamps globally for all the FileBound users on the Stamps tab. Any user with permissions to use annotations can apply the stamps to their documents. See Add annotations to a document in the Windows Viewer and Add annotations to a document in the Web Viewer for more information.


FileBound offers plug-ins that provide additional functionality that allows FileBound to meet a specific requirement of a user, or the system. Plug-ins can be integrated with the FileBound Server in many different areas that meet the requirements of the users. A Global plug-in is one that can provide functionality across all projects that are created in the system.

When the FileBound server is installed, it comes with several pre-installed plug-ins. These plug-ins are not enabled by default and need a System Administrator to enable them. It is recommended that only plug-ins that are going to provide useful functionality to the FileBound users, be enabled. This helps to keep the FileBound interface clean and simple for users, but provide valuable functionality to make their jobs easier.

Note: These plugins are packaged with the installer for convenience, but are not supported by Product Support. Please contact Professional Services for additional assistance with configuration or functionality.

The following pre-installed plug-ins are available:

FBScanToFile When a user is scanning within the Viewer, the user will always be prompted to select a divider as well as separator, if separators have been enabled for the project.
FBOutsideDocControl Automatically locks any document that is opened externally for editing within the Viewer. This prevents other users from making changes to the document while that user has control of it. The user editing the document externally will then utilize the "Save" function in the application that has the document opened. The plug-in also allows the user to have multiple documents opened externally at one time for editing. Additionally, the user can browse other documents in the tree view of the Viewer while they have a document opened externally without losing their changes.
FBOfficeToolbar Sometimes when viewing Microsoft Office documents such as a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet the toolbar for the application is not be displayed. This plug-in provides the use with a toolbar refresh button that displays the hidden Microsoft application toolbar.
FBCustomSort Provides custom sorting options within the Viewer. A user will have an additional user preference that will allow them to specify sorting characteristics for separators, dividers, and pages. A user will be able to specify to use standard sorting methods, or sort alphabetically as well as selecting to display the items in reverse order. Pages will also be given the option to be sorted by date.
FBDocSig Allows for added document signature functionality in addition to the standard FileBound digital signature. Supported types are pen tabled, EPad, and thumbprint scanner authorizations.
FBWorkflowPanel Adds a workflow selection panel similar to the Home Page within the Viewer. Double-clicking an item in the list loads the file and document into the Viewer automatically. This allows a user to stay in the Viewer instead of having to go to the Home Page to process their workflow items.
FBTextEdit Gives users the ability to edit a text document within the Viewer. This ability is not available within the Viewer without this plug-in as all edits of text files are disabled within the Viewer.
FBAutoLock Provides users with an additional user preference to enable Auto-Locking of documents that they are viewing. When the user is done viewing the document, it will be automatically unlocked. A user can also be prompted with an alert when opening a locked document.
Note: This plug-in is not compatible with Records Management.
FBPrivacy Provides additional functionality to file notes and document notes allowing a user to have private file notes as well as private document notes that are only viewable to the user that creates and saves the note. The standard file note and document functionality is maintained as well.

Loaded Plug-Ins

The Loaded Plug-Ins section lists all of the plug-ins that are enabled.

Note: When the plug-ins are enabled, the user can view the Plug-ins tab in the File Details page and the Viewer.
Note: You can also add plug-ins at the project level. See Adding Project Plug-ins for more information.