View a Portfolio

Users can view the details of any Portfolios that have been shared with them or that they have created. Viewing a Portfolio will reveal its settings as well as the work items that belong to it.

Note: Users with the "Portfolio Administration" Context permission can see all PowerSteering Portfolios regardless of their share settings.

Note: Users require the "View" Project Tasks permission on a Project to see it in a Portfolio's "Projects" list.

To view a Portfolio:

  1. Select Review → Portfolios from the Navigation Menu.

  2. Select the name of the Portfolio you would like to view.

    Note: If you have the "Portfolio Administration" Context permission, you can select the "Show All Portfolios" checkbox at the top of the page to access Portfolios that have not been shared with you.

After selecting a Portfolio, you can view its configuration settings.

Additionally, you can view the "Projects" table for a list of work items that currently belong to it.

Note: Work items that you do not have the "View" Project Tasks permission on will not appear on the table.