Assign Approval Roles
Each gate on a Gated Project can have its own custom set of approval requirements and roles. Gates can be assigned one or more Project roles that are responsible for approving the gate once the Pre-Advance Conditions have been met. Alternatively, each gate can be configured to not require any approval at all.
Note: By editing the Project's details, the "Advance on any approval" setting can be toggled:
When "Yes" is selected, only one of the gate's assigned approvers will need to approve a Gate Request. If "No" is selected, all of the approvers will need to approve the request.
To edit gate approval roles and requirements:
Navigate to the Gated Project's Summary Page.
Tip: Selecting Most Recent Project from the "Project" menu will bring you to the most recent work item you have visited:
Select the "Options" menu of the current gate:
Select Edit Approver's List from the drop-down menu:
Note: Selecting Assign Approval Roles from the "More" section of the "Project" menu will also bring you to the page:
Select which gates will require approval and which ones will not:
Note: Unselected Gates will not require approval to be advanced.
Use the drop-down menus in the "Approver" column to indicate which Project roles will be responsible for approving the gate:
Click thumbnail to play.
Select the Submit button.
After selecting Submit, the approval settings will be set to the gate. A list of approvers can be seen under the "Approvals" tab on the Gate panel:
If an approval role that was chosen for the gate is not currently filled on the Project, the tab will display an exclamation mark icon next to it. Once the tab is selected, it will notify the user that the gate requires approval roles to be set: