2020 R1.6 - New Features
Below is a summary of the features included in the Upland Analytics 2020 R1.6 release.
Allow other field types to be used in KPI (date & dimensions)
You can now include other field types, such as dates and dimensions in KPI reports. This adds value to dashboards as information like project name, description, etc., display in the KPI widget on the dashboard.
Display actual values to current period and forecast after current period
Actual values now display only for past dates up to the current period and Forecast values display only for future dates after the current period. There is a new option in the report settings that allows users to display and hide actual and forecast date values on bar graphs. For more information, see Bar Settings.
Note: This functionality is available for bar graphs only.
Add fiscal calendar options to current calendar filtering options
You are now able to set the month that your company's fiscal year starts globally. This allows you to report on the fiscal year. To define your company's fiscal calendar start month, see Company Profile.
Add open ended date to date filter
The Open Ended Date option is now available in the Date Filter to allow you to select any number of days, weeks, months, or quarters in the past or future from the current date. In previous versions, you could only select 1 to 31 days. For information, see Add a Filter or Apply an On-Page Filter.
Hide paging toolbar when not needed
The data grid’s paging toolbar is now hidden when the amount of records is less than the minimum page size allowed.