About Notification Message Templates

A notification message template has two files associated with it.

  • OMPTL file - stores the content of the notification message.

  • WTX file - stores the text that appears in the subject line of the message.

Note: Important! Do not change the file name of any notification message template.

Editing the OMTPL and WTX files with WordPad and Notepad

When you edit files associated with a notification message template, you must use the following applications

Tip: Create a file association between the .OMTPL file extension and WordPad, and between .WTX file extension and Notepad. See the Windows 2003 or Windows 2000 Help for more information about creating file associations.

More about Notification Message templates

Adding DMS Document Link

You can add a link to a document that is stored in a DMS. A message is generated when the document is routed successfully to a DMS. When you click the message link, the document within the DMS opens.

To add the document link and success notification message template

  1. Navigate to the following directory on the server.
    ...\Program Files\Upland AccuRoute\AccuRoute\Languages\ENU\Notifications

  2. Make a copy of the OMNotification-Success.OMTPL file and keep it as backup.

  3. Open the file using WordPad.

  4. Add the following line the %JOB_ID% and %FAX_PAGE1% lines.
    http://<Your servername>/<your webclient virtual directory name >//LaunchDMS.aspx?jobID=%JOB_ID%

  5. Save the file and verify that is has the .omptl extension.

See also

About Notification Component

About Notification Messages

Customizing Notification Messages

Template Variables List

About Inbound Fax Message Notifications

Adding Notification Message Thumbnail Image