Creating SMTP Connector Rule

The SMTP connector is used to manage messages to and from the SMTP server and is automatically configured during the server installation. You can create a custom routing rule for a SMTP connector by using Server Administrator > RuleSets.

Note: You can create custom SMTP connector rules by using a rule template, for example, Route to Connector or by duplicating other SMTP connector rules that may exist in the Default RuleSets folder, for example, Deliver All Notifications via SMTP or Deliver "All Emails" via SMTP and modifying the criteria and actions as needed.

To create a routing rule for the SMTP connector

The following general instructions can be used to assist you with creating custom SMTP connector rules. You will need to specify the criteria, actions, and other properties needed to fulfill your specific workflow requirements.

  1. Inside the Server Administrator, expand RuleSets.
  2. Right-click User. The Properties shortcut menu appears.
  3. Select New > Route to Connector. The Criteria dialog box appears.
  4. Select a destination type from the Destination Type drop-down list.
  5. Specify the criteria in the Matches box.
  6. Select Next. The Deliver dialog box appears.

  7. Select the SMTP connector from the Connector drop-down list

  8. Specify your format and other delivery parameters.

  9. Select Next. A default rule name appears in the Rule Name box.

  10. Rename the rule (optional) or use the default rule name.
  11. Select Finish. The rule appears in the User RuleSet folder.

Customizing a rule's criteria and actions

You can use the default settings or modify as needed.

  1. Select the SMTP connector rule in the User RuleSet folder details pane. The Rule Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Criteria tab.

  3. Modify the criteria in the Criteria Expression box if necessary.

  4. Use the Insert button to insert additional system or user-defined job properties.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Select the Actions tab.

  7. Select the action you want to modify, for example, Deliver. The Action Properties dialog box appears.

  8. Use the Deliver parameters or modify as needed.

  9. Select the Job Properties tab and use the Add button to select a job property and specify a value if necessary.

  10. Select OK.

  11. Select the On Failure tab and specify If the action fails parameter by choosing the appropriate options.

  12. Select the Criteria tab and choose if the action applies to all jobs or jobs matching specific criteria.

  13. Use the Insert button to insert additional system or user-defined job properties if necessary.

  14. Select OK.

  15. Select OK on the Action Properties dialog box.

  16. Select OK on the Rule Properties dialog box.

Note: Contact Technical Support if you need assistance with creating custom SMTP connector rules.

See also

About RuleSets

Creating Custom Workflows

Managing RuleSets

About SMTP Connector

One-off Address Format for the SMTP Connector