Using Dialing Rules Access and Billing Codes
You can create a dialing rule that includes the access code for the fax sender and billing codes for the fax recipient. When you configure dialing rules with access and billing codes, you can specify whether an access code or billing code appears in the prefix or suffix of the dialing string.
When the
Using variables to represent access and billing codes
When you add access and billing codes to a dialing rule, you need to use variables. When the server composes the outbound fax, it replaces these variable with actual data. Variables for access and billing codes are:
%a - This variable represents the access code for the fax sender. When the server composes the outbound fax, it replaces this variable with the access code in the user's profile—either a profile, an Exchange local profile, or an Exchange public folder profile.
%b1 - This variable represents a billing code for the fax recipient. When the server composes the outbound fax, it replaces this variable with the data from the LEGAL_BILL_01 field in the client application.
%b2 - This variable represents a billing code for the fax recipient. When the server composes the outbound fax, it replaces this variable with the data from the LEGAL_BILL_02 field in the client application.
%b3 - This variable represents a billing code for the fax recipient. When the server composes the outbound fax, it replaces this variable with the data from the LEGAL_BILL_03 field in the client application.
Tip: These variables are not case-sensitive. For example, %a and %A represent the access code variable on the server.
See also
Adding Dialing Rules Access and Billing Codes
Using Dialing Rules Access and Billing Codes