Report Templates

Eclipse PPM Report Templates allow users to design a custom report with an MS Excel file that can then be populated with Eclipse data. The Excel template file is constructed using a set of pre-defined "markers" that reference many of the most popular data points within Eclipse. By formatting your own Excel document, you can indicate which data should appear when the report is generated.

Report Templates let you create your own custom reports that are tailored to your unique business needs. They can be used to create one of the following report types:

  • Programs
  • Projects
  • Resources
  • Issues
  • Risks

A Custom Report can be run for either one or multiple entities. For example, you can use a Project Report Template to create a report for one project or multiple projects. Each different entity will have its own report on a separate worksheet within the MS Excel file.

You may want to use a Report Template to run the same report on more than one project:

When this is the case, each worksheet tab at the bottom of the generated Custom Report will represent a different project:

Note: Tabs in the report output will be ordered by in descending order.


The following topics will walk you through creating Report Templates and using them to run Custom Reports: