Profile API
Getting Started
Localytics provides a REST API to store and retrieve Profiles information about your users. If you are looking to bulk export and/or import Profiles, please visit Profile Exports or Profile Imports.
A Profile is a collection of key-value pairs represented in JSON format. Here's an example.
"attributes": {
"$first_name": "Isa",
"cats": ["Ofelia", "Mittens", "Spot", "Schrödinger"],
"age": 30,
"lucky numbers": [1, 48, -100, 13],
"birthday": "1983-01-01"
Remember, Profiles are scoped to your global organization or to individual apps. You can create global, or org-level, Profiles for each of your app users. Each Profile is uniquely identified by a customer ID, and you can store any number of attributes describing the person (such as name, email, age, location, or birthday).
You can also create app-specific Profiles for each user. App-level Profiles store attributes that are only relevant to a particular app (like high score, items purchased, or favorite baseball team).
The Localytics Profiles API exposes Profiles as a single RESTful resource at: accepts the HTTP methods
), and DELETE
You can read and write app-scoped Profiles at
Here's an example URL with sample values.
For convenience, you can retrieve all Profiles for a given customer at: GET
The following Ruby code snippet illustrates how you can quickly start setting and retrieving profile information for your customers.
# Using Ruby 2.1.2
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
# All REST methods are available at this endpoint:
api_root = ""
# Let's call our customer "Isa." In production, of course, you should not use customer's real names or emails
# to identify them, but instead use a secure non-guessable unique identifier like 47c44727-1c22-4dfd-a901-9d0dcf049c89.
customer_id = "Isa"
# Replace these with your real API key and secret:
uri = URI("#{api_root}/#{customer_id}")
Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|
# Let's see if a profile for Isa exists:
get_request =
get_request.basic_auth(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
response = http.request(get_request)
response.code # 404, because we haven't created this profile yet.
# Now let's create a profile. Use PATCH whenever you want to set some profile information.
# It will create a new record if it doesn't already exist.
patch_request =
patch_request.basic_auth(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
patch_request.content_type = "application/json"
# Set up some arbitrary profile data for Isa
profile_attributes = {
:name => "Isa",
:cats => ["Ofelia", "Mittens", "Spot"],
:age => 30,
:"lucky numbers" => [1, 48, -100, 13],
:birthday => "1983-01-01"
# The data we want to set must be nested under an "attributes" JSON root node
patch_request.body = JSON.dump({:attributes => profile_attributes})
response = http.request(patch_request)
response.code # 202
# Now Isa should be there
response = http.request(get_request)
response.code # 200
response.body # {"attributes": {"name": "Isa"...}}
# We can update and delete Isa's profile attributes:
updated_attributes = {
:age => 31,
:cats => nil # Use null to delete individual attributes
patch_request.body = JSON.dump({:attributes => updated_attributes})
http.request(get_request) # Isa's age has now been updated and his cats are gone
# We're done with Isa
delete_request =
delete_request.basic_auth(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
You need to authenticate with an API key and secret in order to access the Localytics APIs.
API keys are available in Settings.
- Navigate to Dashboard > Settings > API Keys.
- Copy your Profile API key and secret.
- The Profile API supports HTTP Basic authentication using your API key as username and API secret as password. For maximum security, unencrypted HTTP is not supported.
Creating and Updating Profiles
method to create or update a profile.
There are two available PATCH
syntaxes: attributes
and changes.
If a profile for the given customer already exists, only the attributes specified in the request body will be modified. Other profile attributes in the same record will not be affected.
Requests must specify either:
- an attributes object containing values to set or delete, or
- a changes array containing diffs to apply to the profile
You cannot mix the two syntaxes in the same request.
Successful calls of either syntax return 202 Accepted. If some of the provided assignments or changes are not valid, the response will contain an ignored_changes field, comprising an array of objects describing which changes were ignored, and for what reason.
If the request contains no valid assignments or changes, the API will return 400 Bad Request.
When using the attributes syntax, provide key/value pairs. The special value null is used to delete key/value pairs from the profile.
PATCH Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== Content-Type: application/json { "attributes": { "$first_name": "Bob", "cats": ["Ofelia", "Mittens", "Spot", "Schrödinger"], "age": 30, "lucky numbers": [1, 48, -100, 13], "birthday": "1983-01-01", "delete me": null } }
When using the changes syntax, provide an array of diff objects, each specifying an update to a profile attribute. Each diff object takes one of the following forms.
- Remove a key/value pair
- {"op": "delete", "attr": "foo"}
- Set a value
- {"op": "assign", "attr": "foo", "value": <some-value>}
- Increment/decrement an integer
- {"op": "increment", "attr": "foo", "value": <some-integer-value>}
- Add values to set
- {"op": "set-add", "attr": "foo", "value": <some-values>}
- Remove values from set
- {"op": "set-remove", "attr": "foo", "value": <some-values>}
PATCH Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== Content-Type: application/json { "changes": [ {"op": "assign", "attr": "$first_name", "value": "Robert"}, {"op": "increment", "attr": "age", "value": -1}, {"op": "set-remove", "attr": "cats", "value": ["Spot", "Schrödinger"]} ] }
If the two above updates are applied in order, the resulting profile is below.
{ "attributes": { "$first_name": "Robert", "cats": ["Ofelia", "Mittens"], "age": 29, "lucky numbers": [1, 48, -100, 13], "birthday": "1983-01-01", } }
Reading profiles
Use GET to return a JSON representation of a customer's profile. Profile attributes are found under the attributes key in the response.
Localytics also automatically collects and stores profile information about your customers. This information is available under the localytics key in the response.
If the profile does not exist, GET returns 404 Not Found.
Retrieve organization-wide profiles
GET /v1/profiles/:customer_id
GET Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Retrieve app-scoped profiles
GET /v1/apps/:app_id/profiles/:customer_id
GET Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Example Response
200 OK { "attributes": { "name": "Isa", "cats": ["Ofelia", "Mittens", "Spot", "Schrödinger"], "age": 30, "lucky numbers": [1, 48, -100, 13], "birthday": "1983-01-01" }, "localytics": { "attributes": { "country": "us", "city_name": "Boston", "last_session_date": "2015-01-15" } } }
Retrieve all profiles for a customer
You can also retrieve all profiles for a customer in a single request at:
GET /v1/customers/:customer_id
Profiles for a customer can be found under the profiles key in the response. Each app-scoped profile will contain an app_id field, containing the app key to which the profile is associated.
GET Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== { "id": "Isa", "profiles": [ { "attributes": { "name": "Isa", "cats": ["Ofelia", "Mittens", "Spot", "Schrödinger"], "age": 30, "lucky numbers": [1, 48, -100, 13], "birthday": "1983-01-01" }, "localytics": { "attributes": { "country": "us", "city_name": "Boston", "last_session_date": "2015-01-15" } } }, { "app_id": "my_app", "attributes": { "high score": 30, "favorite teams": ["Red Sox", "Yankees"] }, "localytics": { "attributes": { "app_version": "3.1", "push_enabled": 1, "custom_1": "yes" } } } ] }
Query customers by email address
If you've set email with the special $email attribute, you can find customers by their email address at:
GET /v1/customers?
The response will return all profiles for customers in your organization who match the provided email address. Optionally include the app_ids query param with a comma-separated list of app IDs, indicating app-scoped profiles that you would like returned in the response.
GET Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== { "customers": [ { "id": "Isa", "profiles": [ { "attributes": { "$email": "", "name": "Isa", "cats": ["Ofelia", "Mittens", "Spot", "Schrödinger"], "age": 30, "lucky numbers": [1, 48, -100, 13], "birthday": "1983-01-01" }, "localytics": { "attributes": { "country": "us", "city_name": "Boston", "last_session_date": "2015-01-15" } } }, { "app_id": "my_app", "attributes": { "high score": 30, "favorite teams": ["Red Sox", "Yankees"] }, "localytics": { "attributes": { "app_version": "3.1", "push_enabled": 1, "custom_1": "yes" } } } ] } ] }
Deleting profiles
Use DELETE to delete an entire profile.
A successful call returns 204 No Content.
Delete org-level profile
DELETE /v1/profiles/:customer_id
DELETE Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Delete app-level profile
DELETE /v1/apps/:app_id/profiles/:customer_id
DELETE Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
End-User Privacy
Localytics provides APIs to help customers build applications that respect an end user's privacy guidance. Two separate privacy APIs are available to manage future data collection (opt-in/out) and to completely delete an end user's data (GDPR customer Right-to-be-Forgotten).
These two APIs address separate privacy concerns and rely on different underlying mechanisms within the SDK. Customers may choose to use either of these APIs but should not attempt to use both APIs within the same application.
Data Collection Opt In/Out
The setOptedOut API controls future data collection on a device. When enabled, no behavioral data will be collected on the device and Places monitoring will be disabled by default. This setting affects all data collection on the device regardless of whether the user has signed into the app.
Refer to the setOptedOut API in the appropriate SDK developer documentation for usage details and sample applications.
Customer Right-to-be-Forgotten
Implementing the GDPR Right-To-Be-Forgotten is supported by the setPrivacyOptedOut API or setting of the application profile privacy_delete attribute. Once a user has requested to be forgotten within an app they will no longer be targeted for personalized messages and all their historical app profile attributes and app data will be deleted from Localytics.
No changes to the application profile attributes will be accepted for forgotten users.
Refer to the setPrivacyOptedOut API in the appropriate SDK developer documentation for usage details and sample applications.
These two APIs available in Localytics SDKs address separate privacy concerns and rely on different underlying mechanisms within the SDK. Customers may choose to use either of these APIs, but should not use both APIs within the same application.
Application Profile privacy_delete Attribute
Some privacy regulations require our customers to delete an end user's data upon request,
and many customers do require a server-side method to inform Localytics of users
that have requested to have their data deleted. Setting an end user's application
profile attribute privacy_delete to 1 initiates a request to be forgotten on behalf of that user. Localytics will
then run a back-end process to begin dropping any additional data uploaded from
the known individual’s device, and will proceed with deleting all personal data
and identifiers to complete the intended Right-to-be-Forgotten request.
Once this attribute is set to 1, Localytics will also delete the identified end user’s
application data from Localytics production systems, and the user can no longer
be uniquely targeted for messages.
A forgotten user may choose to be remembered again by setting privacy_delete to 0. Data collection will be reinitiated and only data collected after the attribute was reset will be available for message targeting. The privacy_delete attribute is set using the Profile API. Only the values 1 (forget customer) and 0 (start remembering) are accepted for privacy_delete.
The privacy_delete attribute will remain in a forgotten user's profile and can be used for building an audience. Audience export reports may be used to reconcile or verify end-user privacy_delete status. Note that forgotten users will be silently deleted from the audience if the audience is used for message targeting.
While it is possible to use the set privacy_delete directly using the Profile API, it is recommended that the SDK setPrivacyOptedOut API always be used to control this setting from applications. The setPrivacyOptedOut API provides complimentary methods that simplify building GDPR-compliant applications.
Data types and limits
Some restrictions apply to the types of data you can send in attribute keys and values. Attribute keys must be strings no longer than 128 characters. Leading and trailing whitespace will be trimmed.
Attribute keys may not begin with the symbols or punctuation shown below.
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
The following data types are accepted as attribute values.
- String: Strings up to 255 characters long. Leading and trailing whitespace will be trimmed. Empty strings are not allowed.
- Integer: Positive or negative whole numbers only. Decimal places are truncated.
- Date: ISO 8601-formatted strings will be parsed and stored as dates in format YYYY-MM-DD
- Set: Sets, represented as JSON arrays, containing strings or integers. Only one data type is allowed in a set; if multiple data types are mixed in a set, all values in the set will be converted to strings. Duplicate values will be collapsed.
Rate limiting requests
The API additionally enforces two types of rate limits:
- Per API key: No more than 50,000 requests per minute are allowed for a given API key.
- Per customer ID: No more than 15 requests per minute for a given customer ID + profile database combination. To avoid hitting this limit, make sure to combine all attribute updates for a given customer profile into a single request.
The API will return a 429 response code when a rate limit is exceeded. You should reduce your rate of requests and retry throttled requests after a minute.
Setting Special Profile IDs via the API
You can upload any attributes to a profile, but there are a few "special" attribute names, like $email, that Localytics recognizes and validates for use in email campaigns and other Marketing features. These "special" attributes are called Special Profile IDs.
The Profiles API recognizes the following Special Profile IDs. All Special Profile IDs must be single string values; sets of multiple values are not allowed.
- Special Profile ID
- Description
- A single valid email address, such as "".
- $full_name
- Full name, such as "Isa Cohen"
- $first_name
- First name, such as "Isa"
- $last_name
- Last name, such as "Cohen"
Because Special Profile IDs don't contain app-specific information, don't scope Special Profile IDs by app. For example, to set a customer's email and name, make the following PATCH request to the Profiles API.
PATCH Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== Content-Type: application/json { "attributes": { "$first_name": "Isa", "$last_name": "Cohen", "$full_name": "Isa Cohen", "$email": "" } }
API names for Auto-Profiles
Auto-Profiles have friendlier, public-facing names for the Localytics Dashboard and internal names that are used to interact with the API. Here's a handy reference list that also includes their data types, in case you need it.
Friendly name | Internal name | Data type |
Last app version | app_version | string |
Last OS version | os_version | string |
Total Sessions (ever) | total_sessions | integer |
First session date | birthdate | date |
Last session date | last_session_date | date |
Push enabled | push_enabled | boolean |
Seconds since last session | seconds_since_last_session | integer |
User type | user_type | string |
Last push opened | last_push_opened | date |
Last inapp message displayed date | last_inapp_displayed | date |
Last city | city_name | string |
Last country | country | string |
Last session date | last_session_date | date |
Last time zone | device_timezone | string |
Language | language | string |
Last email received | last_email_delivered | date |
Email unsubscribed date | unsubscribed_at | date |
Last Modified Country | last_modified_country | date |
Last Modified City | last_modified_city | date |
Last Churned And Returned | last_churned_and_returned | date |
Last Push Disable | last_push_disable | date |