Importing Recipient Data

Use the import tab to import recipient data held in an import file into the PostUp database, e.g. import an unsubscribe list.

Tip: you can also create an import template in the settings menu to streamline the import process if you are expecting to perform multiple imports.

When importing a data file, you will have the ability to:

Choosing the delivery channel and file type

When you select the import tab, you will be presented with the upload file screen.

  1. Select the delivery channel to which your data relates, e.g. select SMS if you are uploading mobile/cell phone data for SMS campaigns.

  2. Select the type of data included in your import file, e.g. if your data is an email suppression list provided by a third party, select the radio button for suppression.

  3. Press the choose file button to open a file selection window.

  4. Locate your file and press the open button.

    You will need to format the file in a standard text format with the proper file extension (.txt, . csv or .tsv) prior to uploading the file.

    Note: PostUp does not support Microsoft Excel files. If you have a .xls or .xlsx file, first convert it to a .csv file in Excel.

    Alternatively, you may import data through the text import field if importing 1,000 recipient records or less.

  5. Press the next button to upload the file and proceed to the import settings page.

Import data through the text import field

When importing 1,000 recipient records or less, you may enter the data into the text input field instead of uploading a file. Data must be entered into the text field with the correct formatting:

  • If included, column headers must be entered into the first row with the chosen delimiter (comma, tab, pipe, or semicolon), e.g. email, first name, etc.

  • Each recipient record must start on a new line with each field separated with the chosen delimiter.

To enter the data:

  1. Either copy and paste from the source, e.g. a .txt file, or type directly into the text field.

  2. Press the next button when you have finished inputting the data to proceed to the import settings page.

Mapping the data file

When you upload an import file, PostUp will attempt to map the data based on its formatting.

The file info section provides an overview of the uploaded file, including:

  • The import type selected, e.g. new or updated recipients,

  • The file name (this will default to UserInput.txt if you use the text import field instead of uploading a file),

  • The file size, and

  • A file sample so you can confirm the data is as you expect.

The formatted data section will display which delimiter PostUp identified in your data and which column headers were found.

Where possible, PostUp will automatically map columns to database fields. If the automapping is incorrect or cannot identify a matching field:

  1. Open the dropdown menu next to the column you wish to change. Unmapped columns will show as do not import instead of a database field.

  2. Scroll through the list of fields until you find the appropriate field for the data in that column, e.g. map the surname column in your file to the last name field in your database.

    • If there are any columns in your data you do not wish to include in the import, set the dropdown to the do not import option.

    • If your data includes any dates, verify they appear correctly, i.e. in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

    • If your data includes a column for source information on a per record basis, use the source description data field to map this information.

  3. When you are happy with your column mapping, configure your global settings.

Configuring your import - global settings

The global settings allow you to enter reference information for your upload.

  • Import title - defaults to the name of the file or UserInput if using the text import field. To change this, type a new name in the text box.

  • Comment - an internal comment to explain the import's purpose (optional).

  • Signup method - how the records were imported. Defaults to web import.

  • Duplicate records - determines the deduplication action taken. Select a merge option.

    • Merge, keeping old data - only import data fields from the duplicate record that do not exist in the original record.
    • Merge, overwriting old data - overwrite the existing data fields for the record.

      Tip: if there are fields with blank values, you can choose to overwrite these by unchecking the don't overwrite fields with blank values checkbox. By default, PostUp will not overwrite blank values.
    • Skip - no data from the duplicate record is imported.
  • Source description - enter the source of your data if your data does not include a column for source information on a per record basis, usually a signup URL or company name.

    Tip: if you choose to overwrite old data for duplicate records, you will have the option to check a box to keep the original source description for that record.
  • Notify upon completion - allows you to enter an email address to be notified when the import is completed.

    Tip: use the notification conditions check box to only receive a notification if the import fails.
  • Additional options - block wireless domains and fix invalid addresses are selected by default. Please do not deselect these options.

When you have configured your global settings, choose how your import will affect your lists.

Configuring your import - lists and purge lists

When importing new or updated records into a mailing list, you will have the option to:

  • Add the records to a new or existing mailing list.
  • Purge the import against an existing mailing list.
  • Purge the import against an existing suppression list.
Tip: purging will make sure that no recipients of the selected lists will be added to the new list.

To add records to an existing list:

  1. Select one or more lists from the add to existing list field.

To add the records to a new list:

  1. Enter a list name into the create new list field.
  2. Select a brand to associate with the new mailing list.
  3. [Optional] Enter a list friendly title.
  4. [Optional] Use the checkbox under test messages to designate the new list as a test message list.
  5. [Optional] Select the checkbox under confirmation status to flag the records as confirmed opt-ins.

To purge the import against an existing list:

  1. Select the required mailing lists from the purge against an existing list field.
  2. Select the required suppression lists from the purge against an existing suppression list field.

When you have configured your import data, press the import button to begin the import and go to the import status page.

The import status page will refresh every 30 seconds. When complete, you can review the import statistics.