Disable a Portfolio

Portfolios can be temporarily disabled from use in PowerSteering. Disabled Portfolios cannot be applied to Dashboards, Executive Reviews, Financial Reviews, or Reports until they are enabled again.

Note: Portfolios can also be permanently deleted from PowerSteering.

Tip: A disabled Portfolio can be re-enabled by any PowerSteering users that it has been shared with, even if the Portfolio is not enabled to be "Editable by sharees". If you would like to restrict users from enabling your disabled Portfolios, consider editing their sharing settings after disabling them.

To disable a Portfolio:

Before You Start: Users can only disable Portfolios that are shared with them.

  1. Select Review → Portfolios from the Navigation Menu.

  2. Select the triple-dot icon of the Portfolio you would like to disable.

    Note: If the Portfolio you would like to disable is not listed on your Portfolios page, it may not be shared with you.

  3. Select Disable.

After selecting Disable, the Portfolio will no longer be active. The "Active" column on the Portfolio page will display a value or "No".

To enable the Portfolio again, simply follow the exact same steps and select Enable.

Note: Keep in mind that any PowerSteering user that a Portfolio is shared with can enable the Portfolio.