Regular Lists

Regular lists are the basic list offered by the platform. They are 'static', in that they reference contact data only. However, you can add filters for data segmentation to be applied at launch.

On this page:

Create a New List

You can create a new list from: the List area of the platform, when selecting a mailing list for a campaign or by filtering contacts in your core table.

However, whichever method is chosen will always display the same creation form, where you will be asked to provide the basic settings of a new list.

Step 1: List Name

Give a name to your list. This is how the list is referred to throughout the system, so it should be memorable.

Step 2: Description

This is an optional field that can contain any additional details or information that you like.

Step 3: Owner User

Choose the owner of the list, they have access to list management functions. This defaults to your user but you can change it if you need to.

Step 4: Core Table

Select the core table, which is where all your data will be stored. Many accounts will only have a single table but if you are unsure which table to use please contact your administrator.

Step 5: Record History

By using the check box you can either enable or disable recording the list history. This will record the individual changes that are made to the list such as imports.

Step 6: Tagging

List tagging lets you associate your lists with relevant items, allowing better data management and clearer associations with your projects and/or campaigns.

Step 7: Save and Finish

Remember to click save and then your list will be ready to import data or associate to Forms and Automation Programs.

Import Data

If you want to use your regular list as a mailing list, it will have to have contact data in it.

To do this you can import a CSV file of contact data, which will populate the list and make it ready for applying to a campaign for launch.

You can also associate it with a Form, for contacts to be added after submitting the form, or use it in an automation program for data to be added organically.