Resource Rate Bulk Update
Administrators can push Resource Type Rate updates directly to Resources in Eclipse PPM. Through Bulk Actions, they can select which Resource Type updates to apply, as well as which Resources will receive them.
When administrators update the Default Rate of a Resource Type on the Organization Structure page, the updated rate is only applied to Resources who receive the rate AFTER the update. In order to update the Default Rates of Resource Types that have already been added to Resource Profiles, administrators can use Bulk Actions.
Example: Derek's organization needs to increase the Rates of certain Resource Types in order to be competitive in the job market. He accesses the Organization Structure page to edit the Default Rates for some of his more in-demand positions. However, he is also concerned that his current employees with those Resource Types will seek out other jobs, so he decides he will increase their Rates to match the new Default Rates.
Without Bulk Actions, Derek would have had to visit every Resource profile with those Resource Types in order to update their Default Rates. This could take him several hours depending on how many Resources contained one of the Resource Types on their profiles.
However, he can simply select the Bulk Action button, select the "[All Current resources]" filter and the Resource Types he would like to update. This way, every Resource with one of the updated Resource Types on their profile will receive the updated Default Rates simultaneously.
Note: Resources will not receive any Resource Types that are not already on their profiles. This feature simply updates the Rates of Resource Types that already exist on Resource profiles.
Tip: This feature can be used in conjunction with the new Rate Card feature to streamline the process of updating Resource Type Rates.
To push Resource Type Rates to existing Resources:
Before You Start: Eclipse PPM users require the "Organization Administration" permission from an Application Policy to access and edit the Organization Structure.
Select the Administration icon from the Icon Bar.
Select Structure from the "Organization" menu.
Make any updates to Resource Type Default Rates that you would like to push to existing Resources.
Note: If the updates have already been made, you can skip this step.
Select the Bulk Actions button above the Organization Structure table.
Click on the "Step 1" textbox to select the Resources that will receive Resource Type Rate updates. Each selected Resource will appear in the table below.
Note: The Resource filters from the Resource Search page will be displayed at the top of the suggestions list in brackets.
Tip: Start typing in the name of an individual Resource to make it appear in the suggestions list.
Use the "Step 2" drop-down menu to determine which Resource Types will be updated on Resource profiles.
All resource types: Updated Rates from all Resource Types will be applied to the selected Resources.
Selected resource types: Select the "Resource Types" field that appears to determine which Resource Type Rate updates will be applied to the selected Resources. Select the checkboxes of Resource Types to include them.
Determine whether to select the "Update default resource types only" checkbox.
If selected, only the default Resource Type on each Resource's profile will receive an updated Rate. Other Resource Types on a Resource's profile will not receive an updated Rate.
Select the Save button.
After selecting Save, the Resource Type Rate updates will be applied to the selected Resources.
If all Resources were updated successfully, a green banner will appear at the top of the Structure page.
If not, the banner will explain if the bulk update partially or totally failed.
In either case, the administrator can select More info to see a list of errors that occurred.
Note: The "Record" number refers to the ID number of the Resource that could not be updated.