Refining a Mailing Target - Behavioral Targeting

When targeting a mailing or creating a simple send template, the minimum requirement is to select a list using the list targeting options. However, you may not wish to send your mailing to every recipient on a list.

To refine a target audience, you can:

Note: audience refinement is not available when using the simplified workflow in the simple send mailing.

At any time, you can check the effect of your refinements by estimating the size of the target audience based on your selected criteria:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the targeting tab.

  2. Press the apply changes and estimate button.

Note: depending on the size of your audience, it may take a little time to generate a count.

Once you have defined your target audience, you can add content to your mailing.

Behavioral targeting

Behavioral targeting refines your list based on a contact's behavior, e.g. selecting people from your list who clicked in a previous campaign. You can refine your targeting by:

Targeting mailing responders

  1. Under behavioral targeting, check the checkbox for targeting mailing responders to view settings.

    Screen capture showing dropdown menus with example selection for targeting mailing responders.

  2. Use the first dropdown menu (from left to right) to select the behavior you wish to target, e.g. opened but did not click.

  3. Use the second dropdown menu to select what is displayed in the list of available mailings below the dropdown menus, e.g. selecting mailings in category(s) will change the list of mailings to a list of categories to select.

  4. Select your mailings/campaigns/categories from the field list below the dropdown menus.

    Tip: hold the Ctrl key to select multiple mailings.
    Tip: if you are targeting against mailings, you can also use the search box beneath the field list to search by ID or title.
  5. For some behaviors, e.g. clicked, there is a text box between the second and third dropdown menu to enter a number of times the recipient performed the behavior, e.g. clicked at least two times.

    If present, enter a number in this text box, e.g. if you are targeting for anyone who opened a mailing, enter the number 1.

  6. Use the third dropdown menu to select a timeframe option.

    Depending on the selection, you will see one or two text boxes to enter a number of days, e.g. between 2 and 5 days ago.

    Enter a number of days in the text boxes where relevant.

  7. When you are happy with the targeting conditions, press the apply changes button to save your targeting criteria.

  8. Use the next button to proceed to the content tab or continue adding other targeting criteria, e.g. add suppressions.

Tip: you can add multiple behavioral targeting criteria, e.g. target recipients who opened a mailing using an Android device.

Targeting Mailing Recipients

  1. Under behavioral targeting, check the checkbox for targeting mailing recipients to view settings.

    Screen capture showing dropdown menus with example selection for target mailing recipients.

  2. Use the first dropdown menu (from left to right) to select the behavior you wish to target, i.e. received or did not receive.

  3. Use the second dropdown menu to select what is displayed in the list of available mailings below the dropdown menus, e.g. selecting mailings in category(s) will change the list of mailings to a list of categories to select.

  4. Select your mailings/campaigns/categories from the field list below the dropdown menus.

    Tip: hold the Ctrl key to select multiple mailings.
    Tip: if you are targeting against mailings, you can also use the search box beneath the field list to search by ID or title.
  5. Use the third dropdown menu to select a timeframe option.

    Depending on the selection, you will see one or two text boxes to enter a number of days, e.g. between 2 and 5 days ago.

    Enter a number of days in the text boxes where relevant.

  6. When you are happy with the targeting conditions, press the apply changes button to save your targeting criteria.

  7. Use the next button to proceed to the content tab or continue adding other targeting criteria, e.g. add suppressions.

Tip: you can add multiple behavioral targeting criteria, e.g. target recipients who received a mailing from a campaign on an Android device.

Target web analytics

Note: you must have web analytics enabled and URL tags in place for behavioral targeting using web analytics.
  1. Under behavioral targeting, check the checkbox for target web analytics to view settings.

    Screen capture showing dropdown menus with selections for target web analytics.

  2. use the checkboxes to select if you wish to target contacts who have or have not performed an action.

  3. Use the first dropdown menu (from left to right) to select the behavior you wish to target, e.g. purchased.

  4. Use the second dropdown menu to select a timeframe option.

    Depending on the selection, you will see one or two text boxes to enter a number of days, e.g. between 2 and 5 days ago.

    Enter a number of days in the text boxes where relevant.

  5. When you are happy with the targeting conditions, press the apply changes button to save your targeting criteria.

  6. Use the next button to proceed to the content tab or continue adding other targeting criteria, e.g. add suppressions.

Tip: you can add multiple behavioral targeting criteria, e.g. target recipients who purchased and received a mailing from a campaign.

Target devices and clients

  1. Under behavioral targeting, check the checkbox for target devices and clients to view settings.

    Screen capture showing dropdown menus for target devices and clients.

  2. use the checkboxes to select if you wish to target by device, operating system, or mail clients. You may select more than one option.

  3. When you check a box, a list of recognised devices/systems/clients will appear. Select an option from the list.

    Tip: hold the Ctrl key to select multiple options.
  4. Use the dropdown menu next to any selected checkbox to select a timeframe option.

    Depending on the selection, you will see one or two text boxes to enter a number of days, e.g. between 2 and 5 days ago.

    Enter a number of days in the text boxes where relevant.

  5. When you are happy with the targeting conditions, press the apply changes button to save your targeting criteria.

  6. Use the next button to proceed to the content tab or continue adding other targeting criteria, e.g. add suppressions.

Tip: you can add multiple behavioral targeting criteria, e.g. target recipients who used an Android device and received a mailing from a campaign.