Access Portfolios

The Portfolios page displays all of the Portfolios that are available to you. From here, users can select a Portfolio to view its settings or (if permissions allow) edit a Portfolio.

To access the Portfolios page, simply select Review → Portfolios from the Navigation Menu.

Note: The Portfolios page can be accessed by anyone in PowerSteering. However, you will only be able to see the Portfolios that have been shared with you and the Portfolios that you have created. Only those with the "Portfolio Administration" Context permission can see all PowerSteering Portfolios.

The following columns are available for the Portfolios page.

Note: See Data Grids for more information on adding columns to PowerSteering grids.

  • Name: The unique name of the Portfolio.

  • Description: A description that should define the scope and focus of the Portfolio.

  • Owner: The Portfolio owner.

  • Active: Indicates whether the Portfolio is active. Only active Portfolios can be applied to Dashboards, Executive Reviews, Financial Reviews, and Reports.

    Note: Portfolios can be made inactive by temporary disabling them.

  • Shared: Indicates the users and User Groups that the Portfolio has been shared with. Scroll over the single-person icon to view a list of users the Portfolio has been shared with or scroll over the multi-person icon to view a list of the User Groups it has been shared with.

  • Is Template: Indicates whether or not the Portfolio is a Portfolio Template. See above for more information on Portfolio Templates.

  • Last Modified Date: The date (formatted mm/dd/yyyy) and time the Portfolio was last edited.

    Note: Unfortunately, there is no Portfolio modification data that exists before the 2024R1.2 release from November 2024. If the Portfolio was modified prior to this release, this column will display the date that your PowerSteering environment was migrated to the 2024R1.2 version.

  • Last Modified By: The name of the user that last edited the Portfolio.

  • Created Date: The date (formatted mm/dd/yyyy) and time the Portfolio was created.

    Note: Unfortunately, there is no Portfolio creation data that exists before the 2024R1.2 release from November 2024. If the Portfolio was created prior to this release, this column will display the date that your PowerSteering environment was migrated to the 2024R1.2 version.

  • Created By: The name of the user that created the Portfolio.

  • Last Accessed Date: The date (formatted mm/dd/yyyy) and time the Portfolio was most recently viewed or applied to a Dashboard, Executive Review, Financial Review, or Report.

    Note: Unfortunately, there is no Portfolio access data that exists before the 2024R1.2 release from November 2024. If the Portfolio was used prior to this release, this column will be empty.

  • Last Accessed By: The name of the user that most recently applied the Portfolio to a Dashboard, Executive Review, Financial Review, or Report.

    Tip: Both of the "Last Accessed" columns will indicate which Portfolios are still in use. Administrators can use them to determine which Portfolios can be removed from PowerSteering.