Advanced Search API Reference Sheet
As explained in Using Swagger and Calling APIs, the Eclipse PPM API can be used to run Advanced Searches with Eclipse search filters. All of these endpoints can be found under the "Search" object in Swagger:
Unlike the XML-based Legacy API, the new API requires the client to provide the search filter ID instead of the name. Once the search filter ID is identified, it can be used to run an Advanced Search through an endpoint under the "Search" object based on the entity being searched.
Note: This page only displays the IDs of pre-configured search filters. Custom search filters can be identified in two ways: the "Lookup Searches" GET endpoint and the URL of a search filter in Edit mode.
Additionally, clients can specify the data they would like returned by including both selected and expanded fields. These fields will tell the API which data to include for each entity returned through the search. Without these, a client's search will not return any results.
Refer to the diagram below to identify the parameters that can be included under the "Search" object:
Filter id: The ID number of the search filter.
Note: This page displays the IDs of pre-configured search filters. Custom search filters can be identified in two ways: the "Lookup Searches" GET endpoint and the URL of a search filter in Edit mode.
Selected fields: These indicate which data should be returned for each search entity. Multiple selected fields must be separated with commas, but no spaces. For example, if you are carrying out an Advanced Search for Projects, you might enter "name,status" to include the name and current status for every Project.
Note: Without entering any selected fields, you search will not return any data. Even if your search includes expanded fields but no selected fields, it will still not return any data.
Expanded fields: As opposed to selected fields, the expanded fields will retrieve further information about the field in regard to the search topic. Multiple selected fields must be separated with commas, but no spaces. For example, if you are carrying out an Advanced Search for Projects, you might enter "resources" to include additional data for each of the Project's Resources.
Note: Searches that include expanded fields must also include at least one selected fields to return data; expanded fields that are entered without any selected fields will not return any data.
Order by fields: Clients can enter one or more fields that can be entered into "Selected fields" to determine how the results will be ordered. Separate each field by commas, but no spaces.
Note: Only "Selected fields" can be used to determine the order. However, you can order by other selected fields that you have not entered into "Selected fields". "Expanded fields" cannot be used to determine the order.
Note: If you enter multiple fields, the results will be ordered by the first field. Fields that come after the first will only factor in if there are duplicates in the fields before it.
Include total count: Clients can select "true" from the drop-down menu to include a tally of results in the response body. Not including this parameter will cause the same behavior as selecting "false".
Note: There are two more search parameters that can be inserted into the URL that will help with paging and sorting: $top and $skip.
The "$top" parameter limits the returned results to a specific number. For example, "$top=2" in the URL below indicates that only the first two results will be returned in the response body.
The "$skip" parameter determines how many of the ordered results will be "skipped" over. For example, "$skip=4" in the URL below indicates that the response body will begin with the fourth result and "skip" over the first three.
The Swagger documentation will soon be updated to include both of these parameters within the "Search" endpoints.
After you enter the parameter information into the Swagger endpoint and click the Execute button, it will produce a URL that formats the request correctly:
Note: Certain characters will be translated to ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) language. For example, "%24" has been translated from "$" and "%2C" has been translated from ",". This URL should still be functional as it is, but you can translate it back by using your web browser's console. Simply press F12 on your keyboard and select the "Console" tab. Type in ;decodeURIComponent("X") with X= the characters you would like to translate. Finally, press Enter on your keyboard to see the original character.
Here is an example for the "%2C":
Directly below, you will find the Server response. If the request is successful, this will contain all of the requested information defined by the parameters within the Response body:
This page contains all of the pre-configured search IDs, selected fields, and expanded fields that can be used for each of the entities in under the "Search" object. Click on one of the entities below to view the IDs and fields that can be entered for it:
The filter IDs, selected fields, and expanded fields listed below can be used on Advanced Searches for Programs.
Program Search Filter IDs
Search Filter | ID |
[Active Programs] | 48 |
[All Programs] | 47 |
Program Selected Fields
The Selected Fields ($select) determine which data is included with each search result.
Note: The Selected Fields can also be used to order the search results in the "Order by" field.
Selected Field | Definition |
id | The Program ID number (not to be confused with Program Number). |
programOwnerId | The ID number of the Program Owner. |
programOwnerFirstName | The first name of the Program Owner. |
programOwnerLastName | The last name of the Program Owner. |
portfolioId | The ID number of the Portfolio that the Program belongs to. |
portfolioName | The name of the Portfolio that the Program belongs to. |
organizationUnitOwnerId | The ID number of the Program's Organizational Unit Owner. |
organizationUnitOwnerName | The name of the Program's Organizational Unit Owner. |
name | The name of the Program. |
number | The Program number (not to be confused with Program ID). |
status | The current status of the Program. |
statusSortOrder | The place of the current status in the progression of Program statuses (for example, if "Executing" is the sixth status out of eight, the Program will have a statusSortOrder of "6" if its current status is "Executing"). |
healthIndicator[#]StateId | The value ID of the specified Health Indicator on the program. The [#] refers to the order of the Health Indicator on the Edit Health Indicators page (for example, "healthIndicator1StateId" will retrieve the value ID for the first Health Indicator listed on the page). |
Program Expanded Fields
The Expanded Fields ($expand) will retrieve further information about each listed field in some additional fields within the response body.
Expanded Field | Definition | Additional Fields |
propertyValues | This will retrieve additional information about each Property attached to the Program, as well as their values. | id: The ID number of the Program Property. |
propertyTypeId: The ID number of the Program Property type. | ||
propertyListId: This is ID number of the Program Property's list (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). | ||
propertyValueString: If the value is a string of text, it will be displayed here. | ||
propertyValueDate: If the value is a date, it will be displayed here. | ||
propertyValueBit: The boolean value of the Property (only applicable to "Flag" Properties). | ||
propertyValueInt: The integer value of the Property (only applicable to integer Property values). | ||
propertyValueFloat: The number value of the Property (only applicable to "Number" Properties). | ||
propertyListItemId: The ID number of the selected list item for the Property (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). | ||
propertyListItemName: The selected list item for the Property (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). | ||
propertyListItemSortOrder: The selected item's sort order within its list (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). |
The filter IDs, selected fields, and expanded fields listed below can be used on Advanced Searches for Projects.
Project Search Filter IDs
Search Filter | ID |
[Active Operations] | 11 |
[Active Projects and Operations] | 5 |
[Active Projects] | 10 |
[All Operations] | 9 |
[All Projects and Operations] | 4 |
[All Projects] | 8 |
[My Active Projects and Operations] | 1 |
[My Active Projects] | 2 |
[My Followed and Suggested Projects] | 3 |
[My Pipelines and Active (including Operations)] | 7 |
[My Pipeline Projects (Pre-Execution)] | 6 |
[Pipeline and Active (including Operation)] | 13 |
[Pipeline Projects (Pre-Execution)] | 12 |
[Projects in My Work] | 43 |
Project Selected Fields
The Selected Fields ($select) determine which data is included with each search result.
Note: The Selected Fields can also be used to order the search results in the "Order by" field.
Tip: If these Selected Fields are not providing you with enough information about Projects, try a Portfolio search. The Portfolio endpoint provides additional Project information, not information on Eclipse PPM Portfolios.
Selected Field | Definition |
id | The Project ID number (not to be confused with Program Number). |
name | The name of the Project. |
baselineDuration | The total duration of the Project's current Baseline in days. |
baselineEndDate | The end date of the Project's current Baseline. |
baselineStartDate | The start date of the Project's current Baseline. |
createdBy | The User ID of the Project creator. |
createdByFirstName | The first name of the Project creator. |
createdByLastName | The last name of the Project creator. |
createdDate | The date the Project was created. |
isOperational | Indicates whether the Project has been marked as "Operations". "true" = The Project is marked as "Operations". "false" = The Project is not marked as "Operations". |
modifiedBy | The User ID of the user who most recently modified the Project. |
modifiedByFirstName | The first name of the most recent Project modifier. |
modifiedByLastName | The last name of the most recent Project modifier. |
modifiedDate | The date that the Project was most recently modified. |
projectExpectedPercentComplete | The expected Percent Complete of the Project as of the current date (this will appear as a decimal number. For example, if the Project should be 25% complete at the current date, it will appear as "0.25"). |
workComplete | The total "percent complete" of the Project as a decimal point (for example, 0.25 instead of 25%). |
startDate | The Project start date. |
endDate | The Project end date. |
status | The current status of the Project. |
statusSortOrder | The number of the current status of the Project (can be seen on the Project Statuses administration page). |
statusUpdate | The Project's current status update. |
type | The Project type. |
priority | The Project's priority. |
prioritySortOrder | The number for the Project's priority (can be seen on the Project Priorities administration page). |
projectOwnerId | The ID number of the Project Owner. |
projectOwnerFirstName | The first name of the Project Owner. |
projectOwnerLastName | The last name of the Project Owner. |
businessPriority | The Project's business priority. |
category | The Project's category. |
categorySortOrder | The number for the Project's category (can be seen on the Project Categories administration page). |
duration | The Project's duration in days. |
portfolioUnitId | The ID number of the Project's Portfolio. |
portfolioUnitName | The name of the Project's Portfolio. |
programId | The ID number of the Project's Program. |
programName | The name of the Project's Program. |
number | The Project number (not to be confused with the Project ID). |
organizationUnitOwnerId | The ID number of the Organization Owner. |
organizationUnitOwnerName | The name of the Organization Owner. |
healthIndicator[#]StateId | The ID number of the current state of a Health Indicator on the Project. The number sign must be replaced by the Order number of a Health Indicator on the Project, which can be found on the Project Configuration page:![]() In the example above, "healthIndicator1StateID" would return the ID number of the current state of "Project Health" on the Project. |
previousHealthIndicator[#]StateId | The ID number of the previous state of a Health Indicator on the Project that contains the assignment. The number sign must be replaced by the Order number of a Health Indicator on the Project, which can be found on the Project Configuration page:![]() In the example above, "healthIndicator1StateID" would return the ID number of the previous state of "Project Health" on the Project. |
Project Expanded Fields
The Expanded Fields ($expand) will retrieve further information about each listed field in some additional fields within the response body.
Expanded Field | Definition | Additional Fields |
organizationUnits | This will retrieve additional information about the Organization Units under the Project's Organizational Alignment. | projectId: The ID number of the Project. |
organizationUnitId: The ID number of the Organization Unit. | ||
name: The name of the Organization Unit. | ||
resources | This will retrieve additional information about each of the Project's Resources. | projectId: The ID number of the Project. |
resourceId: The ID number of the Resource. | ||
personId: The Person ID number of the Resource. | ||
resourceFirstName: The first name of the Resource. | ||
resourceLastName: The last name of the Resource. | ||
resourceInitials: The initials of the Resource. | ||
roleId: The ID number of the Resource's role on the Project. | ||
roleName: The name of the Resource's role on the Project. | ||
propertyValues | This will retrieve additional information about each Property attached to the Program, as well as their values. | id: The ID number of the Project Property. |
propertyTypeId: The ID number of the Project Property type. | ||
propertyListId: This is ID number of the Project Property's list (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). | ||
propertyValueString: If the value is a string of text, it will be displayed here. | ||
propertyValueDate: If the value is a date, it will be displayed here. | ||
propertyValueBit: The boolean value of the Property (only applicable to "Flag" Properties). | ||
propertyValueInt: The integer value of the Property (only applicable to integer Property values). | ||
propertyValueFloat: The number value of the Property (only applicable to "Number" Properties). | ||
propertyListItemId: The ID number of the selected list item for the Property (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). | ||
propertyListItemName: The selected list item for the Property (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). | ||
propertyListItemSortOrder: The selected item's sort order within its list (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). |
Note: The "Portfolio" search endpoint does not retrieve Eclipse PPM Portfolios; it is essentially used to retrieve further information about Projects. If the selected fields from the Project endpoint will not suffice, try using the Portfolio search instead.
The filter IDs and selected fields listed below can be used on Advanced Searches for Portfolios (Projects).
Portfolio Search Filter IDs
Note: These are the same filter IDs that can be found under the Project search endpoint; they are interchangeable between both endpoints.
Search Filter | ID |
[Active Operations] | 11 |
[Active Projects and Operations] | 5 |
[Active Projects] | 10 |
[All Operations] | 9 |
[All Projects and Operations] | 4 |
[All Projects] | 8 |
[My Active Projects and Operations] | 1 |
[My Active Projects] | 2 |
[My Followed and Suggested Projects] | 3 |
[My Pipelines and Active (including Operations)] | 7 |
[My Pipeline Projects (Pre-Execution)] | 6 |
[Pipeline and Active (including Operation)] | 13 |
[Pipeline Projects (Pre-Execution)] | 12 |
[Projects in My Work] | 43 |
Portfolio Selected Fields
The Selected Fields ($select) determine which data is included with each search result.
Note: The Selected Fields can also be used to order the search results in the "Order by" field.
Selected Field | Definition |
actualEffort | The total Actual Effort that has been attributed towards the Project. |
actualEffortToDate | The total Actual Effort that has been attributed towards the Project up until the current date. |
actualEffortToDateVsPlannedEffortToDate | The difference between the total Actual Effort to Date and the total Planned Effort to Date, represented as a positive or negative number with decimals. |
actualExpendituresToDate | The total Actual Expenditures of the Project up to the current date. |
actualRoiAmount | The total Actual ROI of the Project. |
actualRoiPercent | The total Actual ROI of the Project as a percentage (represented by a decimal number. For example, a loss of 50% will appear as -0.5). |
approvedResourcePlanEffort | The total Approved Resource Plan Effort on the Project. |
approvedResourcePlanCost | The total Approved Resource Plan Cost on the Project. |
approvedResourcePlanEffortVsAllocatedEffort | The difference between the total Approved Resource Plan Effort and the total Allocated Effort. |
approvedResourcePlanEffortVsCurrentResourcePlanEffort | The difference between the total Approved Resource Plan Effort and the current total Resource Plan Effort. |
baselineDuration | The total Baseline Duration (time planned to complete the Project). |
baselineEndDate | The Baseline End Date of the Project. |
baselineStartDate | The Baseline Start Date of the Project. |
baselineTotalPlannedCost | The total Planned Cost during the Project's Baseline. |
baselineTotalPlannedEffort | The total Planned Effort during the Project's Baseline. |
budgetedCostToDateVsExpenditures | The difference between the Budgeted Cost up to the current date and the total Expenditures. |
budgetToDate | The total Budget up to the current date. |
budgetVsExpenditures | The difference between the total Budget and the total Expenditures. |
businessPriority | The Business Priority of the Project. |
cashFlowActual | The total Actual Cash Flow for the Project. |
cashFlowCommitted | The total Committed Cash Flow for the Project. |
cashFlowUtilizedActualPercent | The actual Utilized Cash Flow for the Project as a percent (represented as a number with decimals. For example, 50% Utilized Cash Flow will appear as 50.0). |
cashFlowUtilizedCommittedPercent | The committed Utilized Cash Flow for the Project as a percent (represented as a number with decimals. For example, 50% Utilized Committed Cash Flow will appear as 50.0). |
cashFlowUtilizedExpendituresPercent | The Utilized Expenditures Cash Flow for the Project as a percent (represented as a number with decimals. For example, 50% Utilized Expenditures Cash Flow will appear as 50.0). |
category | The Project's Category. |
createdBy | The ID number of the User who created the Project. |
createdDate | The Project's Created Date. |
currentEndVsBaselineEnd | The difference between the Current End and the Baseline End. |
currentResourcePlanEffort | The current Resource Plan Effort of the Project. |
currentResourcePlanCost | The current Resource Plan Cost of the Project. |
currentYearBudgetUtilizedActual | The Utilized Actual Budget for the current year. |
currentYearBudgetUtilizedCommitted | The Utilized Committed Budget for the current year. |
currentYearBudgetUtilizedExpenditures | The Utilized Expenditure Budget for the current year. |
currentYearBudgetUtilizedActualPercent | The Utilized Actual Budget for the current year, represented as a percentage. |
currentYearBudgetUtilizedCommittedPercent | The Utilized Committed Budget for the current year, represented as a percentage. |
currentYearBudgetUtilizedExpendituresPercent | The Utilized Expenditures Budget for the current year, represented as a percentage. |
description | The Project's Description. |
duration | The total Project duration. |
endDate | The Project's End Date. |
estimateAtCompletion | The Project's Estimate at Completion. |
estimateToComplete | The Project's Estimate to Complete. |
evaluationTotalScore | The Project's Total Evaluation Score. |
evaluationWeightedRatio | The Project's Evaluation Weighted Ratio. |
evaluationWeightedScore | The Project's Evaluation Weighted Score. |
following | Indicates whether or not you are following the Project. |
fundingVsBudget | The difference between the Project's total Funding and total Budget (subtract the Budget grand total from the Funding grand total). |
fundingVsExpenditures | The difference between the Project's total Funding and total Expenditures (subtract the Expenditures grand total from the Budget grand total). |
healthIndicator[#]StateId | The ID number of the current state of the Project's Health Indicator ([#] needs to be replaced by a number between 1-10 that will specify the Health Indicator). |
id | The ID number of the Project. |
isOperational | Indicates whether or not the Project is "Operations". |
modifiedBy | The ID number of the user who most recently modified the Project. |
modifiedDate | The date the Project was most recently modified. |
name | The name of the Project. |
number | The Project number. |
organizationUnitOwnerId | The ID number of the Organization Owner. |
organizationUnitOwnerName | The name of the Organization Owner. |
organizationUnits | The Organization Units of the Project. |
planName | The name of the Project's current Financial Plan. |
plannedEffort | The total Planned Effort of the Project. |
plannedEffortToDate | The Project's Planned Effort up to the current date. |
currentResourcePlanEffortToDate | The Project's Resource Plan Effort up to the current date. |
plannedRoiAmount | The planned Return on Investment for the Project. |
plannedRoiPercent | The planned Return on Investment for the Project, represented as a percentage (this will appear as a number with decimal points. For example, an ROI of 450% will appear as 4.50). |
planType | The Plan Type of the Project's current Financial Plan. |
portfolioName | The name of the Project's Portfolio. |
programName | The name of the Project's Program. |
prioritizationTotalScore | The total Portfolio Prioritization score of the Project (sum of each score). |
prioritizationWeightedRatio | The Total Weighted Ratio of the Project's Portfolio Prioritization (this percentage will appear as a decimal number. For example, a Total Weighted Ratio of 65% will appear as "0.68"). |
prioritizationWeightedScore | The Total Weighted Score of the Project's Portfolio Prioritization. |
priority | The Project's Priority. |
progress | The difference between the expected Percent Complete ("projectExpectedPercentComplete" below) and the actual Percent Complete, expressed as a number with decimals. For example, a Work Plan with an expected Percent Complete of 100% as of the current date but an actual Percent Complete of 75% will appear as "-0.25". This is because the actual Percent Complete is 25% behind the expected. |
projectExpectedPercentComplete | The expected Percent Complete of the Project as of the current date (this will appear as a decimal number. For example, if the Project should be 25% complete at the current date, it will appear as "0.25"). |
projectOwnerFirstName | The first name of the Project Owner. |
projectOwnerLastName | The last name of the Project Owner. |
projectOwnerId | The ID number of the Project Owner. |
projectResourceProductivityRatio | The Resource Productivity Ratio for the Project. |
remainingToSpend | The remaining Project Budget that has not yet been spent. |
riskTotalScore | The sum of each Criteria Type's Score under Risk Scoring. |
riskWeightedRatio | The Project's Total Weighted Ratio. |
riskWeightedScore | The Project's Total Weighted Score. |
scheduleTitle | The name of the current Work Plan schedule. |
startDate | The Project's Start Date. |
status | The current Status of the Project. |
statusType | The Status Type of the Project's current Status. |
statusUpdate | The Project's current status update. |
statusUpdateLastModifiedDate | The date the Project's Status Update was last modified. |
totalActualExpenditures | The Grand Total of Actual Expenditures on the Project. |
totalBudget | The Grand Total of the Project's Budget. |
totalBudgetRemainingActual | The Grand Total of the Project's Budget after removing the Actual Expenditures. |
totalBudgetRemainingCommitted | The Grand Total of the Project's Budget after removing the Committed Expenditures. |
totalCapitalActual | The Capital Grand Total of Actual Expenditures. |
totalCapitalBudget | The Grand Total of the Project's Capital Budget. |
totalCapitalBudgetRemainingActual | The remaining Actual Capital Budget on the Project. |
totalCapitalBudgetRemainingCommitted | The remaining Committed Capital Budget on the Project. |
totalCapitalCommitted | The Grand Total of Committed Capital Expenditures on the Project. |
totalCapitalExpenditures | The Grand Total of Capital Expenditures on the Project. |
totalCommittedExpenditures | The Grand Total of Committed Expenditures on the Project. |
totalExpectedBenefits | The Grand Total of Expected Benefits on the Project. |
totalExpenditures | The Grand Total of Expenditures on the Project. |
totalFunding | The Grand Total of Funding for the Project. |
totalOperatingActual | The Grand Total of Actual Operating Expenditures on the Project. |
totalOperatingBudget | The Grand Total of Operating Budget on the Project. |
totalOperatingBudgetRemainingActual | The remaining Actual Operating Budget for the Project. |
totalOperatingBudgetRemainingCommitted | The remaining Committed Operating Budget for the Project. |
totalOperatingCommitted | The Grand Total of Committed Operating Expenditures on the Project. |
totalOperatingExpenditures | The Grand Total of Operating Expenditures on the Project. |
totalRealizedBenefits | The Grand Total of Realized Benefits on the Project. |
type | The Project Type. |
typeId | The ID number of the Project Type. |
The filter IDs, selected fields, and expanded fields listed below can be used on Advanced Searches for Issues.
Issue Search Filter IDs
Search Filter | ID |
[All Issues] | 18 |
[All Open Issues] | 15 |
[Issues in My Work] | 44 |
[My Followed and Suggested Issues] | 17 |
[My Open Issues] | 14 |
[Open Issues Reported By Me or Owned By Me] | 16 |
Issue Selected Fields
The Selected Fields ($select) determine which data is included with each search result.
Note: The Selected Fields can also be used to order the search results in the "Order by" field.
Selected Field | Definition |
actionRequired | The Action Required on an Issue. |
actualResolutionDate | The Actual Resolution Date of the Issue. |
createdBy | The ID number of the Issue creator. |
createdByFirstName | The first name of the Issue creator. |
createdByLastName | The last name of the Issue creator. |
createdDate | The date the Issue was created. |
description | The description of the Issue. |
externalIssueId | The External ID of the Issue. |
followingType | This number represents whether you are following the Issue or not. 1 = not following 2 = suggested 3 = following |
id | The ID number of the Issue. |
impact | The current Impact of the Issue. |
impactDescription | The Impact Description of the Issue. |
impactId | The ID number of the Issue's current Impact. |
impactSortOrder | The sort order number of the Issue's current Impact (these can be seen on the Impacts administration page). |
modifiedBy | The ID number of the Resource that most recently modified the Issue. |
modifiedByFirstName | The first name of the Resource that most recently modified the Issue. |
modifiedByLastName | The last name of the Resource that most recently modified the Issue. |
modifiedDate | The date the Issue was most recently modified. |
plannedResolutionDate | The Planned Resolution Date of the Issue. |
reportedBy | The ID number of the Resource that reported the Issue. |
reportedByFirstName | The first name of the Resource that reported the Issue. |
reportedByLastName | The last name of the Resource that reported the Issue. |
reportedDate | The date the Issue was reported. |
severity | The Severity of the Issue. |
severityId | The ID number of the Issue's Severity. |
severitySortOrder | The sort order number of the Issue's Severity (these can be seen on the Severities administration page). |
status | The current Status of the Issue. |
statusId | The ID number of the Issue's current Status. |
statusSortOrder | The sort order number of the Issue's current Status (these can be seen on the Statuses administration page). |
statusType | The Status Type of the Issue's current Status. |
statusTypeId | The Status Type ID number of the Issue's current status |
statusUpdate | The Issue's current Status Update. |
subject | The Subject (name) of the Issue. |
type | The Type of the Issue. |
typeId | The ID number of the Issue's Type. |
Issue Expanded Fields
The Expanded Fields ($expand) will retrieve further information about each listed field in some additional fields within the response body.
Expanded Field | Definition | Additional Fields |
resources | This will retrieve additional information about each of the Issue's Owners. | issueId: The ID number of the Issue. |
resourceId: The ID number of the Resource. | ||
personId: The Person ID number of the Resource. | ||
resourceFirstName: The first name of the Resource. | ||
resourceLastName: The last name of the Resource. | ||
resourceInitials: The initials of the Resource. | ||
projects | This will retrieve additional information about each Project linked to the Issue. | issueId: The ID number of the Issue. |
projectId: The ID number of the Project. | ||
name: The Project name. | ||
number: The Project number. | ||
statusId: The ID number of the Project's current Status. | ||
statusTypeId: The ID number of the Projects current Status Type. | ||
portfolioId: The ID number of the Project's Portfolio. |
The filter IDs, selected fields, and expanded fields listed below can be used on Advanced Searches for Risks.
Risk Search Filter IDs
Search Filter | ID |
[All Open Risks] | 20 |
[All Risks] | 27 |
[My Followed and Suggested Risks] | 22 |
[My Open Risks] | 19 |
[Open Risks Reported By Me or Owned By Me] | 21 |
[Risks in My Work] | 45 |
Risk Selected Fields
The Selected Fields ($select) determine which data is included with each search result.
Note: The Selected Fields can also be used to order the search results in the "Order by" field.
Selected Field | Definition |
category | The Category of the Risk. |
categoryId | The ID number of the Risk's Category. |
categoryType | The Category Type of the Risk's Category. |
createdBy | The ID number of the Risk creator. |
createdDate | The date the Risk was created. |
description | The Description of the Risk. |
followingType | This number represents whether you are following the Risk or not. 1 = not following 2 = suggested 3 = following |
id | The ID number of the Risk. |
impact | The Impact of the Risk. |
impactDescription | The Description of the Risk's Impact (can be seen from the Risk Impacts administration page). |
impactMagnitude | The Impact Magnitude of the Risk. |
modifiedBy | The ID number of the Resource that most recently modified the Risk. |
modifiedDate | The date the Risk was most recently modified. |
probability | The Probability of the Risk. |
reportedDate | The date the Risk was reported. |
reportedBy | The ID number of the Resource that reported the Risk. |
responseStrategy | The Strategy of the Risk (can be found under "Response Management"). |
severity | The severity of the Risk. |
status | The current Status of the Risk. |
statusType | The Status Type of the Risk's current Status. |
statusUpdate | The current Status Update of the Risk. |
subject | The Subject (name) of the Risk. |
riskScore | The current Score of the Risk (just the number). |
scoreRange | The Score Range of the Risk. |
plannedMitigationDate | The Planned Mitigation Date of the Risk. |
actualMitigationDate | The Actual Mitigation Date of the Risk. |
Risk Expanded Fields
The Expanded Fields ($expand) will retrieve further information about each listed field in some additional fields within the response body.
Expanded Field | Definition | Additional Fields |
resources | This will retrieve additional information about each of the Issue's Owners. | riskId: The ID number of the Risk. |
resourceId: The ID number of the Resource. | ||
personId: The Person ID number of the Resource. | ||
resourceFirstName: The first name of the Resource. | ||
resourceLastName: The last name of the Resource. | ||
resourceInitials: The initials of the Resource. | ||
projects | This will retrieve additional information about each Project linked to the Issue. | riskId: The ID number of the Risk. |
projectId: The ID number of the Project. | ||
name: The Project name. | ||
number: The Project number. | ||
statusId: The ID number of the Project's current Status. | ||
statusTypeId: The ID number of the Projects current Status Type. | ||
portfolioId: The ID number of the Project's Portfolio. |
The filter IDs, selected fields, and expanded fields listed below can be used on Advanced Searches for Tasks.
Task Search Filter IDs
Search Filter | ID |
[All My Incomplete Tasks] | 38 |
[All Tasks] | 36 |
[My Followed and Suggested Tasks] | 41 |
[My Overdue Tasks] | 39 |
[My Past Due & Upcoming Tasks] | 40 |
[My Upcoming Tasks (next 30 days)] | 37 |
[Recently Completed Milestones] | 7378 |
[Tasks in My Work] | 46 |
[Upcoming & Overdue Milestones] | 7379 |
Task Selected Fields
The Selected Fields ($select) determine which data is included with each search result.
Note: The Selected Fields can also be used to order the search results in the "Order by" field.
Selected Field | Definition |
actualEndDate | The Actual End Date of the Task. |
actualStartDate | The Actual Start Date of the Task. |
assignedBy | The ID number of the Resource that assigned the Task. |
baselineDuration | The Baseline Duration of the Task. |
baselineEndDate | The End Date of the Task's Baseline. |
baselineStartDate | The Start Date of the Task's Baseline. |
checkedOutById | The ID number of the Resource who currently has the Task checked out. |
completedThrough | The date that the Task is set to be completed. |
constraintDate | The Constraint Date of the Task (if the Constraint Type is "Start On" or "Finish On"). |
constraintType | The Constraint Type of the Task. |
createdBy | The ID number of the Task creator. |
createdDate | The date the Task was created. |
deadline | The Deadline of the Task. |
description | The Description of the Task |
duration | The Task duration. |
followingType | This number represents whether you are following the Risk or not. 1 = not following 2 = suggested 3 = following |
id | The ID number of the Task. |
modifiedBy | The ID number of the Resource that most recently modified the Task. |
modifiedDate | The date the Task was last modified. |
plannedStartDate | The Planned Start Date of the Task. |
plannedEndDate | The Planned End Date of the Task. |
priority | The Task Priority. |
projectId | The ID number of the Task's Project. |
projectName | The name of the Task's Project. |
projectNameNumber | The name and Project Number of the Task's Project. |
scheduleStartDate | The Work Plan Start Date of the Task's Project. |
scheduleEndDate | The Work Plan End Date of the Task's Project. |
scheduleId | The ID number of the Work Plan that the Task belongs to. |
scheduleTitle | The name of the Current Work Plan of the Task's Project |
taskName | The name of the Task. |
taskUniqueId | The Unique ID number of the Task. |
wbsNumber | The WBS number of the Task. |
workComplete | The current "percent complete" of the Task, represented as a decimal number (for example, "0.85" instead of 85%). |
isComplete | Indicates whether or not the Task has been completed. |
isCritical | Indicates whether or not the Task is a Critical Task. |
isCurrentSchedule | Indicates whether or not the Task belongs to the current Work Plan. |
isSummary | Indicates whether or not the Task is a Summary Task. |
isMilestone | Indicates whether or not the Task is a Milestone Task. |
taskCategory | The Task Category. |
taskStatusType | The current Status of the Task. |
taskCode | The Task Code. |
number | The Sequence Number of the Task on the Project. |
expectedWorkComplete | The expected "percent complete" once the Task is finished, represented as a decimal number (for example, "1" instead of 100%). |
predecessors | The Sequence Number(s) of any predecessor Tasks (this excludes any External Predecessors). |
projectCategory | The Category of the Task's Project. |
projectPortfolio | The Portfolio that the Task's Project belongs to. |
projectProgramName | The name of the Program that the Task's Project belongs to. |
projectPriority | The Priority of the Task's Project. |
projectStatus | The current Status of the Task's Project. |
projectType | The Task's Project Type. |
Task Expanded Fields
The Expanded Fields ($expand) will retrieve further information about each listed field in some additional fields within the response body.
Expanded Field | Definition | Additional Fields |
resources | This will retrieve additional information about each of the Task's Resources. | taskId: The ID number of the Task. |
resourceId: The ID number of the Resource (will be "null" for Generic Resources). | ||
personId: The Person ID number of the Resource (will be "null" for Generic Resources). | ||
resourceFirstName: The first name of the Resource (will be "null" for Generic Resources). | ||
resourceLastName: The last name of the Resource (will be "null" for Generic Resources). | ||
resourceInitials : The initials of the Resource (will be "null" for Generic Resources). | ||
resourceTypeId: The ID number of the Resource's Resource Type. | ||
genericResourceName: The name of the Generic Resource (will be "null" for non-Generic Resources). | ||
genericResourceInitials: The initials of the Generic Resource (will be "null" for non-Generic Resources). | ||
rate: The Resource's rate on the Task. | ||
units: The Resource's Units (%) on the Task, represented as a decimal number (for example, "8.88" instead of 888%). |
propertyValues | This will retrieve additional information about each Property attached to the Task, as well as their values. | id: The ID number of the Task Property. |
propertyTypeId: The ID number of the Task Property type. | ||
propertyListId: This is ID number of the Task Property's list (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). | ||
propertyValueString: If the value is a string of text, it will be displayed here. | ||
propertyValueDate: If the value is a date, it will be displayed here. | ||
propertyValueBit: The boolean value of the Property (only applicable to "Flag" Properties). | ||
propertyValueInt: The integer value of the Property (only applicable to integer Property values). | ||
propertyValueFloat: The number value of the Property (only applicable to "Number" Properties). | ||
propertyListItemId: The ID number of the selected list item for the Property (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). | ||
propertyListItemName: The selected list item for the Property (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). | ||
propertyListItemSortOrder: The selected item's sort order within its list (only applicable to "Multiple Select" and "Single Select" Properties). |
The filter IDs, selected fields, and expanded fields listed below can be used on Advanced Searches for Resources.
Resource Search Filter IDs
Search Filter | ID |
[All Current resources] | 31 |
[All Former resources] | 32 |
[All My Reports] | 42 |
[All Resources] | 35 |
[Current Full-time] | 29 |
[Current Variable (not full-time)] | 30 |
[My Direct Reports] | 28 |
[My Followed resources] | 34 |
Resource Selected Fields
The Selected Fields ($select) determine which data is included with each search result.
Note: The Selected Fields can also be used to order the search results in the "Order by" field.
Selected Field | Definition |
createdBy | The ID number of the user that created the Resource. |
createdByFirstName | The first name of the user that created the Resource. |
createdByLastName | The last name of the user that created the Resource. |
createdDate | The date the Resource was created. |
defaultAllocation | The Resource's Default Allocation, represented as a decimal number (for example, "0.50" instead of 50%). |
defaultResourceOvertimeRate | The default Overtime Rate for the Resource. |
defaultResourceRate | The default Rate for the Resource. |
defaultResourceTypeId | The ID number of the Resource's default Resource Type. |
defaultResourceTypeName | The name of the Resource's default Resource Type. |
description | The Resource's Description. |
The Resource's email address. | |
employeeId | The Resource's Employee ID number. |
firstName | The Resource's first name. |
followingType | This number represents whether you are following the Resource or not. 1 = not following 2 = suggested 3 = following |
handle | The Resource's Handle. |
id | The Resource's ID number. |
initials | The Resource's initials. |
isActive | Indicates whether the Resource is Active. |
isFullTime | Indicates whether the Resource is Full Time. |
isManager | Indicates whether the Resource is a Manager. |
lastName | The Resource's last name. |
localUserId | The Resource's Local User ID. |
managerFirstName | The first name of the Resource's Manager. |
managerLastName | The last name of the Resource's Manager. |
managerPersonId | The Person ID of the Resource's Manager. |
modifiedBy | The ID number of the user that most recently modified the Resource. |
modifiedByFirstName | The first name of the user that most recently modified the Resource. |
modifiedDate | The date the Resource was most recently modified. |
organizationUnit | The Resource's Organization Unit. |
organizationUnitId | The ID number of the Resource's Organization Unit. |
personId | The Person ID number of the Resource. |
resourceId | The ID number of the Resource. |
status | The current Status of the Resource. |
statusId | The ID number of the Resource's current Status. |
statusSortOrder | The sort order number of the Resource's current Status (can be seen on the Resource Statuses administration page). |
statusType | The Status Type for the Resource's current Status. |
userId | The Resource's User ID ("null" if the Resource is not a User). |
isUser | Indicates whether or not the Resource is a User. |
Resource Expanded Fields
The Expanded Fields ($expand) will retrieve further information about each listed field in some additional fields within the response body.
Expanded Field | Definition | Additional Fields |
projects | This will retrieve additional information about each of the Projects that the Resource has been attached to. | projectId: The ID number of the Project that the Resource is attached to. |
resourceId: The ID number of the Resource. | ||
managers | This will retrieve additional information about the Resource's Manager. | resourceId: The ID number of the Resource. |
managerId: The ID number of the Resource's Manager. |
The filter IDs and selected fields listed below can be used on Advanced Searches for Notes.
Note Search Filter IDs
Search Filter | ID |
[All My Notes] | 26 |
Note Selected Fields
The Selected Fields ($select) determine which data is included with each search result.
Note: The Selected Fields can also be used to order the search results in the "Order by" field.
Selected Field | Definition |
id | The ID number of the Note. |
projectName | The name of the Project that the Note is attached to. |
projectNumber | The Project Number of the Project that the Note is attached to. |
projectId | The ID number of the Project that the Note is attached to. |
createdBy | The ID number of the Resource that created the Note. |
createdByDate | The date the Note was created. |
modifiedBy | The ID number of the Resource that most recently modified the Note. |
modifiedDate | The date that the Note was most recently modified. |
subject | The content of the Note. |
tags | The Tags that are attached to the Note. |
The filter IDs, selected fields, and expanded fields can be used on Advanced Searches for Assignments.
Assignment Search Filter IDs
Search Filter | ID |
[Active Projects and Operations] | 53 |
[Active Projects] | 52 |
[All Assignments (current work plans)] | 50 |
[All Assignments (non-current work plans)] | 51 |
[All Assignments] | 49 |
[My Assignments] | 56 |
[My Direct Report Assignments] | 57 |
[Projects in My Work] | 54 |
[Tasks in My Work] | 55 |
Assignment Selected Fields
The Selected Fields ($select) determine which data is included with each search result.
Note: The Selected Fields can also be used to order the search results in the "Order by" field.
Selected Field | Definition |
id | The ID number of the Assignment. |
assignmentResourceType | The Resource Type of the assigned Resource on the Work Plan. |
rate | The Resource's rate (currency will vary). |
units | The Resource allocation % on the assignment. |
allocatedEffort | The total allocated effort (in hours) of the assignment. |
actualEffort | The total actual effort (in hours) of the assignment. |
baselineEffort | The allocated effort (in hours) of the assignment according to the current Baseline. |
allocatedCost | The total cost of the assignment according to the Allocated Effort (Rate x Allocated Effort = Allocated Cost). |
baselineCost | The total cost of the assignment according to the Baseline Effort (Rate x Baseline Effort = Baseline Cost). |
taskTimeType | The Type of Time selected for the Resource assignment. |
isDetailed | Indicates whether Detailed Time has been edited for the assignment. "Flat" = no detailed time has been applied. "Detailed" = Detailed Time has been applied. |
resourceID | The ID number of the assigned Resource. |
resourceName | The name (both first and last) of the assigned Resource. |
resourceInitials | The initials of the assigned Resource. |
resourceEmail | The email address of the assigned Resource. |
resourceDirectManager | The Direct Manager of the assigned Resource. |
resourcePosition | The Position of the assigned Resource. |
defaultResourceTypeName | The assigned Resource's default Resource Type. |
resourceEmployeeID | The Employee ID of the assigned Resource. |
resourceOrganizationUnit | The assigned Resource's Organization Unit. |
resourceIsFullTime | Indicates whether or not the assigned Resource is full-time. |
resourceIsManager | Indicates whether or not the assigned Resource is a Manager. |
resourceStatus | Indicates the assigned Resource's current Status. |
userID | Indicates the User ID of the assigned Resource. |
userLogin | The user login of the assigned Resource. |
userAccountStatus | The current user Account Status of the assigned Resource. |
userType | The current user Account Type of the assigned Resource. |
taskID | The ID number of the assigned Task. |
projectID | The ID number of the assigned Task's Project. |
taskName | The name of the assigned Task. |
taskDescription | The description of the assigned Task. |
taskSequence | The Sequence Number of the assigned Task. |
taskWBS | The WBS number of the assigned Task. |
taskStartDate | The assigned Task's Start Date. |
taskEndDate | The assigned Task's End Date. |
taskDuration | The total duration (in days) of the assigned Task. |
taskBaselineStart | The Start Date of the assigned Task according to the current Work Plan Baseline. |
taskBaselineEnd | The End Date of the assigned Task according to the current Work Plan Baseline. |
taskBaselineDuration | The duration of the assigned Task according to the current Work Plan Baseline. |
taskActualStart | The Actual Start Date of the assigned Task. |
taskActualEnd | The Actual End Date of the assigned Task. |
taskWorkComplete | The percent complete of the assigned Task. |
taskCompletedThrough | The "Completed Through" date of the assigned Task. |
taskAssignedBy | The User ID of the user that assigned the Task. |
taskAssignedByFirstName | The first name of the user that assigned the Task. |
taskAssignedByLastName | The last name of the user that assigned the Task. |
taskCode | The Task Code of the assigned Task. |
taskDueDate | The Deadline of the assigned Task. |
taskStatusType | The current Status of the assigned Task. |
taskIsMilestone | Indicates whether or not the assigned Task is a Milestone. |
taskPredecessors | The Sequence Numbers of the Tasks that are predecessors to the assigned Task. |
taskCategory | The Task Category of the assigned Task. |
taskCategorySortOrder | The sort order number of the Task Category. This can be found on the Task Categories administration page. |
taskConstraintType | The Constraint Type of the assigned Task. |
taskConstraintDate | The Constraint Date of the assigned Task (not applicable for "As Soon As Possible" Constraint Types). |
taskIsSummary | Indicates whether or not the Task is a Summary Task. |
taskIsCritical | Indicates whether or not the Task has been marked as "Critical". |
taskPriority | The Task Priority number of the assigned Task. |
scheduleID | The ID number of the Work Plan that contains the assignment. |
scheduleTitle | The title of the Work Plan that contains the assignment. |
scheduleIsCurrent | Indicates whether or not the Work Plan that contains the assignment is the current Work Plan. |
scheduleStartDate | The start date of the Work Plan that contains the assignment. |
scheduleEndDate | The end date of the Work Plan that contains the assignment. |
scheduleDuration | The duration (in days) of the Work Plan that contains the assignment. |
scheduleBaselineStartDate | The start date of the Work Plan that contains the assignment according to the current Baseline. |
scheduleBaselineEndDate | The end date of the Work Plan that contains the assignment according to the current Baseline. |
scheduleBaselineDuration | The duration (in days) of the Work Plan that contains the assignment according to the current Baseline. |
projectName | The name of the Project that contains the assignment. |
projectNumber | The Project Number of the Project that contains the assignment. |
projectDescription | The description of the Project that contains the assignment. |
projectStatus | The current Status of the Project that contains the assingment. |
projectStatusSortOrder | The sort order number of the current Status of the Project that contains the assignment. This can be found on the Project Status administration page. |
projectStatusUpdate | The current Status Update of the Project that contains the assignment. |
projectPriority | The Priority of the Project that contains the assignment. |
projectPrioritySortOrder | The sort order number of the Priority of the Project that contains the assignment. This can be found on the Project Priority administration page. |
projectBusinessPriority | The Business Priority number of the Project that contains the assignment. |
programName | The name of the Program of the Project that contains the assignment. |
portfolioUnitName | The name of the Portfolio of the Project that contains the assignment. |
organizationUnitOwnerID | The ID number of the Organization Owner of the Project that contains the assignment. |
organizationUnitOwnerName | The Organization Owner of the Project that contains the assignment. |
projectCategory | The Project Category of the Project that contains the assignment. |
projectCategorySortOrder | The sort order number of the Project Category of the Project that contains the assignment. This can be found on the Project Category administration page. |
projectType | The Project Type of the Project that contains the assignment. |
projectOwnerID | The ID number of the Owner of the Project that contains the assignment. |
projectOwnerFirstName | The first name of the Owner of the Project that contains the assignment. |
projectOwnerLastName | The last name of the Owner of the Project that contains the assignment. |
projectIsOperational | Indicates whether the Project that contains the assignment is considered "Operations". |
healthIndicator[#]StateID | The ID number of the current state of a Health Indicator on the Project that contains the assignment. The number sign must be replaced by the Order number of a Health Indicator on the Project, which can be found on the Project Configuration page:![]() In the example above, "healthIndicator1StateID" would return the ID number of the current state of "Project Health" on the Project. |
previousHealthIndicator[#]StateID | The ID number of the previous state of a Health Indicator on the Project that contains the assignment. The number sign must be replaced by the Order number of a Health Indicator on the Project, which can be found on the Project Configuration page:![]() In the example above, "healthIndicator1StateID" would return the ID number of the previous state of "Project Health" on the Project. |
Assignment Expanded Fields
The Expanded Fields ($expand) will retrieve further information about each listed field in some additional fields within the response body.
Expanded Field | Definition | Additional Fields |
resourceTypes | This will retrieve additional information about each of the Resource Types of the assigned Resource. Please note that these are the Resource Types that have been selected on the Resource's profile, not on the Work Plan. | resourceId: The ID number of the assigned Resource. |
resourceTypeId: The ID number of the Resource Type. |